Plants with Blue or Purple Flowers

Blue and purple flowers form the smallest group within the colour sections, but there are still some important groups, including a number of spring bulbs, violets, bellflowers, forget-me-nots, speedwells and the borage family.

As well as flower colour, it is important to take careful note of the exact petal shape - are the petals rounded, or do they came to a sharp point, for example; are there gaps between the petals or do they overlap; are the flowers solitary, or arranged in spikes or bunches.

Within the colour sections, the pictures are grouped so that similar-looking (though not necessarily closely-related) plants will be near each other. This should help to reduce your search time. To keep things concise, not all species are shown in the colour keys, so you may have to go for a 'best match' to get you through to the next stage of the identification process. Particularly in large families where there are a number of very similar species, a representative species is shown here, but clicking on it will take you to a page that tells you how to tell the more difficult species apart.

Many plants will be obviously one colour or another, obviously five petalled, or obviously a woody shrub, etcetera. But many will be debatable. In such cases, I have tried to imagine how a flower might be perceived by others, especially beginners to plant identification. Generally this results in a plant appearing in more than one place on these pages, but some still remain problematic. In particular, the section labelled 'tubular flowers' contains a variety of flowers that might be considered to fall into that category and these generally have petals that are fused together to fully surround the sexual parts of the flower. But these tubes might be elongate like a pencil, or broad and bell-like. Flowers of two colours are entered under the colour that covers most of the flower, but truly bicoloured flowers may be entered under both colours. Woody plants with green stems that might not be considered woody, are entered under their flower colour or shape, as well as under the woody plants sections.

If you still can't find your plant, you either have something very interesting that you may wish to tell me about, or I just haven't got a picture of it yet - I'm still working on the latter!!

Click on the pictures below to go to the species pages.

Three Petals
Siberian Iris Common Milkwort Virginia Spiderwort
Irises - Three large, round petals hanging down, plus three smaller, less obvious petals standing more or less upright in the centre
Milkworts - Small spikes of white, pink or blue flowers, each flower with the middle petal rolled into a thin tube and with a tiny,
pale beard
Spiderworts - Flowers in loose clusters on fleshy stems, above tussocks of grass-like leaves

Four Petals
Germander Speedwell Field Gentian Violet Horned Poppy
Speedwells - Bright flowers with prominent stamens, solitary or in small clusters
Gentians - Narrow flowers above smooth leaves
Violet Horned Poppy - Single flowers with large, tissue-thin petals - rare with no recent records

Five Petals
Bacopa Creeping Leadwort Scarlet Pimpernel Common Primrose
Bacopa - Flowers with a tubular base and yellow in the centre, on low, trailing plants
Leadworts - Flowers in clusters with a long, tubular base and red bracts. Low, spreading plants
Pimpernels - Small annuals of cultivated ground
Primroses - Early spring flowers in a variety of colours in grassy areas
Common Flax Meadow Crane's-bill Green Alkanet Greater Periwinkle
Flaxes - Plants with slender stems and narrow leaves
Crane's-bills - Broad petals, often with dark veins, leaves rounded and often deeply dissected
Alkanets - Flattened, rounded flowers on roughly hairy plants
Periwinkles - Low, creeping or trailing plants forming spreading colonies
Water Forget-me-not Love-in-a-mist Duke of Argyll's Teaplant Greater Periwinkle
Forget-me-nots - Sky blue flowers with white or yellow centres
Love-in-a-mist - Five petal-like sepals among fine, filigree foliage; annuals of disturbed ground
Teaplants - Solitary, purplish flowers on wiry, half-woody stems in hedgerows
Periwinkles - Low, creeping or trailing plants forming spreading colonies
Autumn Gentian Blue Thimbleflower Bird's-eye Gilia
Gentians - Narrow flowers above smooth leaves
Gilias - Small annuals with flowers in tight clusters and finely cut leaves

Gilias - Small annuals with solitary, three-coloured flowers and finely cut leaves

Common Venus's-looking-glass Clustered Bellflower Trailing Bellflower Borage
Venus's-looking-glasses - Small, bright purple flowers with a green ruff, opening on sunny days
Bellflowers - Five petals, fusing at the base into a broad, bell-shaped tube
Bellflowers - Star-shaped flowers on trailing or upright plants
Borage - Star-shaped, nodding flowers on bristly plants
Early Forget-me-not Common Cornsalad Field Bugloss Confused Eyebright
Forget-me-nots - Small, roughly hairy plants of open places
Common Cornsalad - Tiny, pale blue, almost white flowers with five petals
Buglosses - Small flowers on roughly hairy plants in disturbed places
Eyebrights - Small but showy, lilac flowers on upright stems; five petals fused into a tube at the base
Fairy Lobelia Common Butterwort American Dog Violet Breckland Pansy
Fairy Lobelia - Unequal petals, the lower three much larger than the upper two; garden escapes
Butterworts - Unequal petals, the lower three much larger than the upper two and forming a tube at the base. Rare in bogs
Violets - Violet to purple flowers with dark lines and sometimes a yellow patch at the centre
Pansies - Variously purple/white/yellow flowers with dark lines at the centre
Marsh Gentian Apple-of-Peru Common Larkspur Hybrid Monk's-hood
Gentians - Bright blue trumpets on slender stems; rare
Apple-of-Peru - Five petals fusing together to form a funnel-shaped flower
Larkspurs - Five petal-like sepals, with the true petals fused into a small 'cup' in the centre of the flower; flowers various shades of blue, pink or white in an upright spike above feathery foliage
Monk's-hoods - Five petal-like sepals, with two fused together to form a 'hood'; flowers various shades of blue or white in an upright spike
Abraham-Isaac-Jacob Bittersweet Common Columbine Common Columbine
Abraham-Isaac-Jacob - Strange flowers with petals that twist backwards to expose the long, central stamens
Bittersweet - Flowers in loose clusters, often with a yellow centre
Columbines - Complicated flowers with five petals and five petal-like sepals; petals have long nectar spurs at back. Colour may be any shade of blue, purple, pink, or white
Columbines - Complicated flowers with five petals and five petal-like sepals; petals have long nectar spurs at back. Colour may be any shade of blue, purple, pink, or white
Blue Star Creeper Fairy Lobelia Fairy Lobelia Common Jacob's-ladder
Blue Star Creeper - Tiny, creeping plants usually found in lawns
Fairy Lobelia - Unequal petals, the lower three much larger than the upper two; garden escapes
Fairy Lobelia - Unequal petals, the lower three much larger than the upper two; garden escapes
Common Jacob's-ladder - Small herbaceous plants with ladder-like, pinnate leaves
Showy Isotome Showy Isotome
Showy Isotome - Low-growing but sprawling annuals with asymmetrical flowers and ragged-looking leaves
Showy Isotome - Low-growing but sprawling annuals with asymmetrical flowers and ragged-looking leaves

Six Petals
Siberian Iris Common Bluebell Common Hyacinth Alpine Squill
Irises - Three large, round petals hanging down, plus three smaller, less obvious petals standing more or less upright in the centre
Bluebells - Narrowly bell-shaped flowers in an open, upright spike
Common Hyacinth - Heavily-scented flowers in a compact spike
Squills - Six spreading petals; spring-flowering from bulbs
Siberian Squill African Lily Common Pasqueflower Spring Crocus
Siberian Squill - Six petals on nodding flowers; spring-flowering from bulbs
Blue lilies - flowers in a ball-shaped cluster atop a common stem
Pasqueflower - Six petal-like sepals with very hairy backs. Now very rare, on a handful of protected sites
Crocuses - Flowers fused into a narrow tube at the base, arising from a buried corm
Pickerelweed Bermudan Blue-eyed-grass
Pickerelweed - Flowers crowded in upright spikes on plants growing in water
Blue-eyed-grasses - Small herbaceous perennials with upright, grass-like leaves and tepals that have notched tips

More Than Six Petals
Blue Anemone Love-in-a-mist Common Cornflower Chicory
Anemones - Varying number of petal-like sepals on low-growing, spring flowers. Colour may be any shade of blue, pink or white
Love-in-a-mist - Ten petal-like sepals among fine, filigree foliage; annuals of disturbed ground
Common Cornflower - Irregularly-shaped petals around a single head of several tiny flowers
Chicory - Dandelion-like flowers on tall, upright stems
Blue Passionflower Common Knapweed Common Columbine Common Columbine
Passionflowers - Complicated flowers with 12 petal-like sepals; vigorous climbing plants

Knapweeds - Tight flowerheads with solid bases and 'fluffy' tops

Columbines - Complicated flowers with five petals and five petal-like sepals; petals have long nectar spurs at back. Colour may be any shade of blue, purple, pink, or white
Columbines - Complicated flowers with five petals and five petal-like sepals; petals have long nectar spurs at back. Colour may be any shade of blue, purple, pink, or white

Many-rayed Flowers
Late Michaelmas-daisy China Aster Globe Artichoke Greater Burdock
Asters - Popular garden plants with pale lilac to bluish, daisy-like flowers

Asters - Bluish-purple to pink or white petals on short plants grown for bedding

Cardoons - Heavy, chunky head made up of many small flowers with thread-like petals

Burdocks - Tight flowerheads with prickly bases atop branching plants with large, dock-like leaves

Tubular Flowers (petals fused into a tube-like form)
Spring Crocus Triplet Lily Marsh Gentian Viper's Bugloss
Crocuses - Flowers fused into a narrow tube at the base, arising from a buried corm
Triplet Lily - Six petals fused into a tube; stems low-growing from a bulb

Gentians - Bright blue trumpets on slender stems; rare
Buglosses - Red buds, turning blue as they open and mature; prominent, long stamens

Purple Milk-vetch Purple Toothwort Yarrow Broomrape Common Skullcap
Milk-vetches - Blue-purple flowers in small clusters, very close to the ground with ladder-like, compound leaves

Toothworts - Odd, tubular flowers, emerging in clusters straight from the ground beneath poplars or willows

Broomrapes - Tubular flowers with broad lower lips, on an upright spike

Skullcaps - Tubular flowers, singly or in pairs in the leaf axils; wetland plants

Peach-leaved Bellflower Apple-of-Peru Common Morning-glory Ivy-leaved Morning-glory
Bellflowers - Broadly bell-shaped flowers in narrow, upright spikes

Apple-of-Peru - Five petals fusing together to form a funnel-shaped flower
Morning-glories - Climbing or trailing plants with the five petals fused to form a funnel-shaped flower; stems twining

Morning-glories - Climbing or trailing plants with the five petals fused to form a funnel-shaped flower; stems twining

Basil-thyme Ivy-leaved Toadflax Rough Comfrey Greater Honeywort
Mints & Dead-nettles - Narrowly tubular flowers with five fused petals, opening into a two-lobed lip

Toadflaxes & allies - Tubular flowers with five fused petals, opening into a five-lobed lip

Comfreys - Red buds, turning blue as they open and mature

Honeyworts - Narrowly tubular flowers in a cluster, half hidden by coloured bracts

Confused Eyebright Cape Snapdragon Fairy Lobelia Indian Pea
Eyebrights - Small but showy, lilac flowers on upright stems; five petals fused into a tube at the base
Cape Snapdragon - Tubular based-flowers, opening into broadly lobed lips; singly or in clusters

Fairy Lobelia - Unequal petals, the lower three much larger than the upper two

Everlasting-peas - Solitary, bluish flowers on scrambling plants with leaves bearing two leaflets and terminal tendrils

Annual Clary Wild Clary Common Grape-hyacinth
Blue claries - Narrow, tubular-based flowers that open into a two-lipped mouth

Sages - Tubular flowers in whorls above the leaves; foliage usually aromatic

Grape-hyacinths - Dense heads of small, rounded flowers above grass-like leaves, arising from a bulb

Many-flowered Heads
African Lily Common Hyacinth Common Bluebell Common Grape-hyacinth
African Lily - Showy, ball-shaped heads of six-petalled flowers, above strap-shaped leaves

Common Hyacinth - Heavily-scented, six-petalled flowers in a compact spike

Bluebells - Scented, six-petalled flowers in an open spike, above graass-like leaves

Grape-hyacinths - Dense heads of small, rounded flowers above grass-like leaves, arising from a bulb

Lupin Hybrids Tufted Vetch Hybrid Monk's-hood Tansy-leaved Phacelia
Lupins - Tall, showy spikes of 'pea' flowers, often in a variety of colours; leaves palmate

Vetches - Narrow spikes of narrow 'pea' flowers, on scrambling plants; ladder-like, compound leaves with tendrils

Monk's-hoods - Five petal-like sepals, with two fused together to form a 'hood'; flowers various shades of blue or white in an upright spike

Phacelias - Dense, curled heads of bright flowers with elongated stamens; leaves finely cut

Viper's Bugloss Abraham-Isaac-Jacob Matted Sea-lavender Common Bugle
Buglosses - Tall, showy spikes of bright blue flowers, a few opening in turn as the side branches elongate

Abraham-Isaac-Jacob - Strange flowers with petals that twist backwards to expose the long, central stamens

Sea-lavenders - Branched heads of many, small flowers above a simple rosette of leaves; saltmarshes and coastal dunes

Common Bugle - Leafy spikes of large-lipped, tubular flowers

Common Cornflower Common Teasel Sea-holly Sheep's-bit
Common Cornflower - Irregularly-shaped petals forming a single head of several compact flowers

Teasels - Prickly, thistle-like plants with tiny flowers packed into a cone-shaped head

Eryngos - Prickly, thistle-like plants with tiny flowers packed into a cone-shaped head

Sheep's-bit - Low plants of sandy ground with rounded 'pompoms' made up of many small flowers

Field Scabious Narrow-leaved Lavender Purple Toadflax Yarrow Broomrape
Scabiouses - Tight heads of many flowers, with the outer flowers having larger petals

Lavenders - Flowerheads made up of upright clusters of tubular flowers; foliage greyish and heavily-scented foliage

Toadflaxes - Narrow flowers with long spurs at the back, in upright spikes

Broomrapes - Tubular flowers with broad lower lips, on an upright, orchid-like spike

Common Cornsalad Argentinian Vervain Common Butterfly-bush Long-leaved Speedwell
Common Cornsalad - Tiny, pale blue, almost white flowers with five petals
Vervains - Showy heads of small flowers with tubular bases

Butterfly-bushes - Elongated heads of masses of small flowers with tiny orange centres, on woody bushes

Speedwells - Showy spikes of tightly-packed flowers with prominent stamens

Pickerelweed Sinuate Statice
Pickerelweed - Flowers crowded in upright spikes on plants growing in water
Statice - Branched heads of many, small (white) flowers surrounded by large, petal-like, purplish bracts

Woody Trees, Shrubs & Climbers
Blue Passionflower Duke of Argyll's Teaplant European Rhododendron European Rhododendron
Passionflowers - Complicated flowers with 12 petal-like sepals; vigorous climbing plants

Teaplants - Solitary, purplish flowers on wiry, half-woody stems in hedgerows
Rhododendrons - Large, spreading bushes with leathery, evergreen leaves

Rhododendrons - Large, spreading bushes with leathery, evergreen leaves

Rosemary Common Lilac Hedge Veronica Common Butterfly-bush
Rosemary & allies - Showy flowers with tubular bases and large lower lips on many-stemmed, highly fragrant bushes

Lilacs - Large, showy heads of four-petalled flowers on suckering large shrubs or small trees. Flowers purple, red, pink or white

Hebes - Rounded or elongate heads of four-petalled flowers with prominent stamens on evergreen bushes

Butterfly-bushes - Elongated heads of masses of small flowers with tiny orange centres, on woody bushes

Narrow-leaved Lavender
Lavenders - Flowerheads made up of upright clusters of tubular flowers; foliage greyish and heavily-scented foliage