Yellow-flowered Thistles & Allies
Daisy Family - Asteraceae
See also thistles and knapweeds with blue and purple flowers.
Flat-topped Carline Thistle Carlina corymbosaNative throughout southern Europe. Common in stony places.
Yellow Star-thistle Centaurea solstitialis
Widespread throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region to Central Asia and the Arabian Peninsula. A very slender and upright plant covered with grey-white hairs and with strongly winged stems. Flowerheads have three-spined tips to the phyllaries.
Downy Safflower Phonus lanatus
(Carthamus lanatus) Native throughout most of Europe, Macaronesia and the Mediterranean, eastwards to Central Asia and the Himalayan region. Whole plant covered in greyish, felty hairs.
Blessed Thistle Centaurea benedicta
(St. Benedict's Thistle) Native to warmer parts of the Mediterranean Region, eastwards through the Middle East to Central Asia and western China. An annual species with a clammy feel to the plant due to glandular hairs.
Common Golden Thistle Scolymus hispanicus
(Spanish Oysterplant) Native throughout the Mediterranean Region eastwards to Iran.