Blue- and Purple-flowered Thistles & Knapweeds
Daisy Family - Asteraceae
See also thistles and knapweeds with yellow flowers.
Corymbose Distaff Thistle Cardopatium corymbosumNative to the eastern Mediterranean Region from Italy to the Middle East. Typically a plant of open, stony ground, often in full sun.
Spiny Globe-thistle Echinops spinosissimus
Native to the southern Mediterranean Region and the Middle East. Occasional on rough or disturbed ground.
Cage Thistle Atractylis cancellata
Native from Macaronesia eastwards through the Mediterranean Region to the Arabian Peninsula and Pakistan. Occasional in stony places.
Taurian Cotton Thistle Onopordum tauricum
Native throughout southern Europe, eastwards to the Black Sea region and Turkey. Whole plant green, with glandular and non-glandular hairs.
Illyrian Cotton Thistle Onopordum illyricum
Native throughout southern Europe, eastwards to the Middle East and Iran. Whole plant covered in greyish, felty hairs.
Southern False Saw-wort Crupina crupinastrum
Native throughout southern Europe and into Asia Minor. Frequent in stony places.
Spiny Knapweed Centaurea spinosa
Native to Greece and Western Turkey. Abundant on dry, rocky slopes, especially on the west side of the island and along the landward side of coastal dunes and beaches. Along with Spiny Burnet, this species forms a major habitat type of low, spiny frigana.
Common Cornflower Centaurea cyanus
Native from the Central Mediterranean Region eastwards to Turkey and the Levant, but widely introduced as an annual of arable crops throughout much of the world.
Urville's Knapweed Centaurea urvillei
Native to the Eastern Aegean Islands, through Turkey to northern Iran. Widespread in dry habitats, especially in rocky places and open conifer woods. Forms a low, leafy rosette with the spiny-bracted flowers appearing at the centre.
Shrubby Feather-thistle Ptilostemon chamaepeuce
Native to the eastern Mediterranean, usually on well-drained slopes on steeper roadside banks or cliffs.
Milk Thistle Silybum marianum
Native throughout much of Europe, North Africa and eastward to India. Widely established as an introduction elsewhere.
Syrian Thistle Notobasis syriaca
Native to throughout the Mediterranean Region to the Middle East and Arabian Peninsula. The lance-like, leafy bracts surrounding the flowerheads are very distinctive in this species.
Picnomon Picnomon acana
Native through the Mediterranean Region and eastwards to western Asia. Frequent in stony places.
Spear Thistle Cirsium vulgare
Native and often abundant throughout Europe, the Mediterranean and Middle East, eastwards to Northern and Central Asia. A strong-growing, stout and often multi-branched species with long, stout spines. Flowerheads large and form perhaps the 'classic' thistle. Phyllaries curved and spreading, with long, sharp, spiny tips.
Greek Musk Thistle Carduus nutans subsp. taygeteus
Native to the eastern Mediterranean Region from Italy to Turkey.
Southern Slender Thistle Carduus pycnocephalus
Native through the Mediterranean Region, much of southern Europe and eastwards to western Asia. Common in stony places and disturbed ground.
White-spotted Thistle Tyrimnus leucographus
Native through the Mediterranean Region. Occasional in dry, stony places.