Primrose Family
Primrose Family - Primulaceae
Common Sowbread Cyclamen hederifoliumNative to the Mediterranean Region, from France to Turkey. Autumn flowering, with only leaves present in spring.
Peloponnese Spring Sowbread Cyclamen repandum ssp. peloponnesiacum
(Cyclamen rhodium ssp. peloponnesiacum) The species is native from southern France and Switzerland to Greece and in northern Algeria. The subspecies peloponnesiacum is endemic to the Peloponnese, where it is uncommon in shady places.
Scarlet Pimpernel Lysimachia arvensis
Native to the whole of Europe, much of North and North-east Africa and eastwards to Central Asia and the Himalayan Region. Blue-flowered plants (forma azurea) differ from Blue Pimpernel in having broader petals that clearly overlap each other and which have a good number of three-celled marginal hairs with globular tips. Leaves are broad towards the base of the plant, becoming narrower towards the tips of the stems.