Poppies & Fumitories
Poppy Family - Papaveraceae
Common Poppy Papaver rhoeasNative throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region to western and Central Asia.
Mediterranean Poppy Papaver apulum
Native from Italy and the Balkan Peninsula to the Aegean Islands. Resembles Rough Poppy, but has purple anthers and unribbed seed capsules.
Yellow Horned Poppy Glaucium flavum
Native from macaronesia, through coasts of western Europe, the Mediterranean and Black Sea to Iran.
Beardless Hypecoum Hypecoum imberbe
Native throughout the Mediterranean to the Middle East. Flowers golden-yellow with relatively broad petals. Flower bracts narrow and linear.
White Ramping Fumitory Fumaria capreolata
Native to Macaronesia, North-west Europe and throughout the Mediterranean Region. Flowers relatively large, creamy white, with a dark, blackish-purple tip. Sepals 4-6mm long, large and relatively broad.
Judean Fumitory Fumaria judaica
Native to the central and eastern Mediterranean area, from Italy and Libya eastwards to the Middle East.
Common Fumitory Fumaria officinalis
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region. Sepals 2-3.5mm long, small and relatively narrow.
Fine-leaved Fumitory Fumaria parviflora
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Pakistan. Flowers small, white, with a dark purple tip. Sepals less than 1mm long, small and relatively deeply toothed. Leaves narrow, with the deeply cut sections clearly grooved.