Pea Family - Medicks, Melilots & Allies
Pea Family - Fabaceae
These are all members of the pea family with trifoliate leaves. This page includes the trefoils, melilots and medicks. Other members of the family with trifoliate leaves, including the bird's-foot-trefoils and some of the restharrows as well as a few other species can all be found on a separate page by clicking here.
Italian Melilot Melilotus italicus
Native to the Mediterranean Region.
Sicilian Melilot Melilotus siculus
Native to the Mediterranean Region.
Balansa's Fenugreek Trigonella balansae
Native to Greece and Turkey.
Greek Fenugreek Trigonella graeca
Native to South-western Greece and Crete.
Trigonella rotundifolia
Native to Greece and the Aegean Islands.
Tree Medick Medicago arborea
Native to the Mediterranean regions of Europe and Turkey but also introduced as an ornamental elsewhere.
Black Medick Medicago lupulina
Native throughout Europe and North Africa to Central and southern Asia and China.
Button Medick Medicago orbicularis
Native from Macaronesia through the Mediterranean region to Black Sea coasts. Common on sandy beaches.
Rugose Medick Medicago rugosa
Native to North African coastal regions and in the European Mediterranean region from Corsica and Sardinia eastwards to the Middle East. Seed pods glandular hairy.
Sea Medick Medicago marina
Native from Macaronesia through the Mediterranean region to Black Sea coasts. Common on sandy beaches.
Strong-spined Medick Medicago truncatula
Native from Macaronesia, through the Mediterranean region to the Middle East. Pedicels aristate.
Shore Medick Medicago littoralis
Native from Macaronesia through the Mediterranean region to Black Sea coasts.
Spotted Medick Medicago arabica
Native from the Canary Islands, through much of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin to the Caucasus.
Toothed Medick Medicago polymorpha
Native throughout much of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, eastward to Central Asia.
Medicago disciformis
Native to the Mediterranean region. Note the seed pod spines whih are distinctly arched backwards.
Bur Medick Medicago minima
Native throughout most of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, eastwards to India and China.
Rigid Medick Medicago rigidula
Native through the Mediterranean region to the Caucasus and western Asia. Seed pods glandular hairy.
Hop Trefoil Trifolium campestre
Native throughout Europe, the Mediterranean Basin and western Asia. Widely introduced as a nitrogen-fixer and fodder plant elsewhere.
Orange Trefoil Trifolium aurantiacum
Native from Albania to Crete. Abundant in grassy places and roadsides in Peloponnese.