Pea Family - Peas
Pea Family - Fabaceae
Culinary Pea Lathyrus oleraceusNative through the Mediterranean Region and eastwards to Afghanistan. The ancestor of our garden peas.
Yellow Vetchling Lathyrus aphaca
Native from Macaronesia eastwards through the Mediterranean, southern Europe and western Asia to India. A strange plant with the leaves reduced to simple tendrils and the leaf stipules greatly enlarged to perform the function of leaves. Each leaf base has two stipules, giving the effect of leaves in opposite pairs.
Annual Pea Lathyrus annuus
(Fodder Pea) Native from Macaronesia eastwards through the Mediterranean Region to western Asia. Leaves are pinnate but reduced to just a single pair of narrow, linear leaflets, each leaf then having extensive tendrils at the tip which are used for climbing. The leaf stipules are small with two, linear lobes. The stems are strongly flattened and winged.
Crimson Pea Lathyrus clymenum
Native through the Mediterranean Region. Two-tone flowers. Stems and leaf rachis broadly winged.
Red Vetchling Lathyrus cicera
Native through southern Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Pakistan. Tendrils branched; pedicel short aristate; stems winged; calyx teeth long.
Brown Vetchling Lathyrus setifolius
Native from Macaronesia eastwards through the Mediterranean Region to the Caucasus. Tendrils branched; pedicel very long, short aristate; stems winged; calyx teeth as long as tube.