Smaller Labiates
Dead-nettle Family - Lamiaceae
Conehead Thyme Thymbra capitataNative to the Mediterranean region and Middle East. Typically found along seasonally wet water courses, but also planted in sandy and stony coastal areas and around gardens.
Woolly Micromint Micromeria nervosa
Native throughout most of the Mediterranean Region. Found in a range of habitats, particularly in stony garrigue and frigana.
Greek Micromint Micromeria gracea
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region. Found in a range of habitats, particularly on stony ground and old walls. Inflorescence well-spaced; flower clusters 4-12 flowered, flowers 6-10mm long. Calyx teeth long-pointed, 1/2 to 2/3 as long as calyx tube.
Greek Oregano Origanum onites
Native from Sicily, through Greece to Turkey. Found in a range of habitats, particularly on stony ground.
Wall Germander Teucrium chamaedrys
Native throughout the Mediterranean region, much of Europe and the Middle East. Frequent in dry, stony and rocky habitats.
Eastern Felty Germander Teucrium capitatum
Native throughout the Mediterranean region, eastwards to Central Asia. Frequent in stony frigana.
Ground-pine Ajuga chamaepitys
Native in the Mediterranean Region, eastwards through Europe to western Asia. Frequent on cultivated and disturbed ground.
Roman Ironwort Sideritis romana ssp. curvidens
Native from Sicily, through Greece to Turkey. Found in a range of habitats, particularly on stony ground.