The Figwort Family
Figwort Family - Scrophulariaceae
Sinuate Mullein Verbascum sinuatumNative throughout the Mediterranean Region and east to the Middle East and Black Sea areas. Common in open, sunny places.
Undulate Mullein Verbascum undulatum
Native in the western and southern Balkans region. Frequent in open, sunny places.
Verbascum macrurum
Native from southern Italy eastwards through southern Greece to North-west Turkey.
Samnitic Mullein Verbascum samniticum
Native in Central Italy and the southern Balkan Peninsula.
Nettle-leaved Figwort Scrophularia peregrina
Native throughout the Mediterranean region. Frequent in shady places.
Various-leaved Figwort Scrophularia heterophylla
Native to the southern Balkans, most frequent in southern Greece and the Aegean area. Frequent in shady, rocky places.
French Figwort Scrophularia canina subsp. bicolor
Native to the southern Balkans, most frequent in southern Greece and the Aegean area. Frequent in shady, rocky places.