Dandelion-like Plants
Dandelion Family - Asteraceae
Crocus-leaved Viper’s-grass Pseudopodospermum crocifoliumNative and endemic to southern Greece.
Purple Salsify Tragopogon porrifolius
Native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean Region. A widespread perennial in grassy places.
Slender Salsify Geropogon hybridus
Native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean Region. A common annual in grassy places.
Annual Hyoseris Hyoseris scabra
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region. A common annual of open, bare places, including along paths and as an urban weed.
Common Reichardia Reichardia picroides
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region. Common in disturbed ground and bare places, including along paths and as an urban weed.
Prickly Sow-thistle Sonchus asper
Widespread and common as a weed of urban and disturbed places.
Smooth Sow-thistle Sonchus oleraceus
Widespread and common as a weed of urban and disturbed places.
Star Hawkbit Rhagadiolus stellatus
Native throughout most of southern Europe and the Mediterranean Region.
Pink Hawk's-beard Crepis rubra
Native in southern and South-eastern Europe, especially southern Italy and Greece.
Crepis dioscoridis
Native to southern Greece. Frequent in Peleponnese, it's stronghold.
Common Skeletonweed Chondrilla juncea
Native to most of Europe, the Mediterranean Basin and western Asia. A frequent coloniser of bare and disturbed grounnd.
Prickly Goldenfleece Urospermum picroides
Native throughout the Mediterranean Basin and Middle East. A weedy coloniser of bare and disturbed ground.
Scaly Hawkbit Hedypnois rhagadioloides ssp. rhagadioloides
Native throughout the Mediterranean Basin and Middle East. A low species of bare and disturbed ground, including beaches.
Tuberous Hawkbit Leontodon tuberosus
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region.
Mediterranean Cat's-ear Hypochaeris achyrophorus
Native throughout the Mediterranean Basin and Middle East. A common species of bare and disturbed ground.
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