Citrus Trees
Rue Family - Rutaceae
Cultivated Orange Citrus x aurantiumA hybrid derived in cultivation in China but widely planted as a crop and as a street tree. A complicated mishmash of varieties and forms with a lot of disagreement over taxonomy. The latest Kew-based list lumps all hybrid oranges (including Grapefruit) under this name, but most other taxonomies recognise Citrus x aurantium as being C. daoxianensis x C. maxima, this being the larger, bitter oranges often used as street trees and too sour to eat from the tree, but used in making orange juice and marmalade. Sweet Oranges are often referred to as Citrus x sinensis and considered to be C. maxima x C. reticulata (Pomelo x Mandarin).
Cultivated Lemon Citrus x limon
A hybrid derived in cultivation in China (though formerly thought to be a species) and widely planted as a crop and ornamental tree. The hybrid combination is C. daoxianensis x C. maxima x C. medica, thus a cross of C. x aurantium with the Citron (C. medica).