Rock-rose Family - Cistaceae
Cretan Rock-rose Cistus creticusNative throughout the central and eastern Mediterranean Region and in Morocco. A common component of frigana and low maquis habitats. Petals typically strongly crumpled, leaves crinkle-edged.
Small-flowered Rock-rose Cistus parviflorus
Native from Sicily and Libya eastwards to Greece and Turkey. Leaves frosty grey and flowers pale pink.
Sage-leaved Rock-rose Cistus salviifolius
Throughout the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to the Caucasus and Iran. A common component of Mediterranean scrub habitats.
Willow-leaved Rock-rose Helianthemum salicifolium
Native from the Canary Islands and throughout the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to the Caucasus and Iran.
Arabian Fumana Fumana arabica
Native from Morocco and Italy eastwards to the Caucasus and Iran. Flowers relatively large, to 2cm across, leaves alternate.
Thyme-leaved Fumana Fumana thymifolia
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region. Flowers 1-2.2cm across; leaves narrow with inrolled margins, opposite. Upper stems glandular-pubescent.