Buttercups, Anemones & Allies
Buttercup Family - Ranunculaceae
Oriental Meadow-rue Thalictrum orientaleNative from southern Greece, through Turkey to Lebanon.
Balkan Anemone Anemone blanda
Native to the Balkan Peninsula and from the Caucasus and Turkey to Syria. Flowers with 10-16, blue or sometimes white tepals. Leaves and tepals are hairless on their undersides.
Peacock Anemone Anemone hortensis ssp. pavonina
Native through the Balkans to western Turkey. Frequent in grassy places, olive groves and similar places.
Creeping Buttercup Ranunculus repens
Native throughout most of Eurasia, the Mediterranean Region and the Middle East. Spreads by underground rhizomes to form extensive mats of three-lobed leaves, these leaves with conspicuous pale marks on them. Flowers with sepals flattened against the petals.
Rough-fruited Buttercup Ranunculus muricatus
Native to the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Central Asia and India. A small, annual species of disturbed ground.
Marginate Buttercup Ranunculus marginatus
Native to Sicily and the Balkan Peninsula, eastwards to the Caucasus and Iran. Typically found in damp places.
Slender Buttercup Ranunculus gracilis
Native from Italy to North-west Turkey. Typically found in shady places. Patch-forming perennial. Basal leaves long-petiolate, blade triangular-ovate to orbicular, deeply 3-partite, the lobes variously dissected into obtuse segments. Cauline leaves few, reduced to linear segments. Sepals deflexed; petals usually 5 but often more.
Mill's Buttercup Ranunculus millii
Native and endemic to Peloponnese. Petals 7-15.