White Crucifers
Mustard Family - Brassicaceae
Greek Penny-cress Noccaea graecaNative and endemic to the mountains of the Peloponnese.
Perfoliate Penny-cress Noccaea perfoliata
Native throughout most of Europe, the Mediterranean Region and eastwards into Central Asia.
Abyssinian Kale Crambe hispanica ssp. hispanica
This subspecies is native to Greece and eastwards to Asia Minor and the Middle East. Occasional in grassy places.
White Ball-mustard Calepina irregularis
Native to the Mediterranean Region and eastward through the Middle East to the Caucasus. Often a plant of disturbed ground in urban areas.
Common Whitlowgrass Draba verna
Native throughout Europe and western Asia.
Southern Shepherd's-cress Teesdalia coronopifolia
Native to the Mediterranean Region and Madeira.
Hoary Cress Lepidium draba
Native to the mediterranean Region and eastwards through eastern Europe to Central Asia and China. A plant of disturbed ground and roadsides, often on heavier soils.
Thale Cress Arabidopsis thaliana
Native throughout Eurasia and much of Africa. Often common as an urban weed.
Common Shepherd's-purse Capsella bursa-pastoris
Native throughout Eurasia.
Hairy Bittercress Cardamine hirsuta
Native throughout Europe, much of Africa and east into South-east Asia.
Greek Bittercress Cardamine graeca
Native to the central and eastern Mediterranean Region.