Bedstraw Family
Bedstraw Family - Rubiaceae
Field Madder Sherardia arvensisNative through Europe and the Mediterranean Region to western Asia and Iran. Typically found on disturbed or cultivated ground.
Heldreich's Bedstraw Galium heldreichii
Native to Greece and western Turkey. Rather variable in its leaves (narrow to relatively broad) and flower colour (cream to greenish).
Common Cleavers Galium aparine
Native throughout temperate Eurasia, North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
Bristly Crosswort Valantia hispida
Native from the Canary Islands, through the Mediterranean Region to Iran, the Arabian Peninsula and the horn of Africa. Common in dry, rocky places and amongst stonework in urban areas.
Dog-cabbage Theligonum cynocrambe
Native from the Canary Islands, through the Mediterranean Region to Iran, the Arabian Peninsula and the horn of Africa. Common in dry, rocky places and amongst stonework in urban areas. Can be mistaken for a chickweed, but leaves are slightly fleshy.