Asparagus Family
Asparagus Family - Asparagaceae
Common Butcher's-broom Ruscus aculeatusNative across western and southern Europe, the Mediterranean Basin and the Middle East to the Caucasus. A distinctive, spiny, evergreen shrub that forms dense thickets of stiff, upright stems. A closer look reveals that the spine-tipped 'leaves' are actually flattened stems, which bear the flowers and berries at their centre.
Divergent Star-of-Bethlehem Ornithogalum divergens
Native throughout much of central and southern Europe and the Mediterranean Region. Frequent in grassy places and roadsides. Leaves more than 2mm wide, usually persistent at anthesis; leaves glabrous, with white central stripe. Bulb with numerous stipitate offsets; perianth segments 18-30mm; capsule obovoid-oblong, slightly angled.
(Sometimes included in the polyploid O. umbellatum complex as a form with relatively small, stipitate bulblets and slightly reflexed fruiting pedicels.)
Mediterranean Sea Squill Drimia numidica
Native to the central Mediterranean Region, from Morocco to Libya, Balearics, Italy, Sicily, the Balkan Peninsula and some Greek islands.
Greek Squill Scilla messeniaca
Native to southern Greece.
Bellevalia dubia
Patchily spread through the Mediterranean Region.
Dark Grape-hyacinth Muscari commutatum
Native to the South-eastern Mediterranean Region, from Italy to the Aegean Islands.
Tassel Hyacinth Muscari comosum
(Muscari comosum) Native to central and southern Europe, Macaronesia, the Mediterranean Region and eastwards to Iran.
Sharp-leaved Asparagus Asparagus acutifolius
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region. Common on rough and often stony ground.
Spiny Asparagus Asparagus horridus
(Asparagus stipularis) Native from the Canary Islands through the Mediterranean Region to the Arabian Peninsula.
Giant Yucca Yucca gigantea
Native throughout most of Central America. Grown as a garden ornamental and occasionally found were planted or disposed of in the wider countryside.
Centuryplant Agave americana
Native to the southern USA and Mexico and widely planted as a garden ornamental and for a variety of economic purposes.