Amaryllis Family
Amaryllis Family - Amaryllidaceae
Wild Leek Allium ampeloprasumNative throughout the Mediterranean Region from Macaronesia to Central Asia. Frequent in grassy places and roadsides, sometimes forming extensive colonies, especially around antiquity sites where the plant has been cultivated in the past. Flowerhead compact, scape broad. Flowers off white or dull pink, stamens exserted.
Allium circinnatum ssp. peloponnesiacum
Native from southern Greece to Crete and Turkey, with this subspecies endemic to Peloponnese and rare in dry, stony places.
Three-leaved Garlic Allium trifoliatum
Native in the Mediterranean Region from southern France to the Levant. Flowers white with a pink central stripe to the tepals, or pink-washed. Leaves flat in cross-section with hairy margins. Garlic smell.
Hairy Garlic Allium subhirsutum
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region. Flowers with pinkish-brown anthers, becoming yellow at maturity; tepals all white on both sides. Leaves flat in cross-section with hairy margins. Garlic smell.
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Neapolitan Garlic Allium neapolitanum
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region. Flowers with greyish-green anthers, tepals all white on both sides. Leaves flat in cross-section with hairless margins. Garlic smell.
Sea Daffodil Pancratium maritimum
Native to coastal sands from the Canary Islands, through the Mediterranean Region to the Black Sea.