Hornwort Family - Ceratophyllaceae
Rigid Hornwort Ceratophyllum demersumNative throughout much of the World as a submerged aquatic in permanent waterways. Best told from Soft Hornwort by its leaves, which are forked only one to two times.
Soft Hornwort Ceratophyllum submersum
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Central Asia and southwards into tropical Africa. Best told from Rigid Hornwort by its leaves, which are forked three or more times.
Water-milfoil Family - Haloragaceae
Spiked Water-milfoil Myriophyllum spicatumNative throughout Eurasia and much of Africa; widely introduced into North America. Flowers tiny, mostly in whorls of four in terminal spikes, held above the water surface. Leaves in whorls of four to six (mostly five), feathery and cut almost to the veins.
Plantain Family - Plantaginaceae
Common Water-starwort Callitriche stagnalisNative throughout Europe to Turkey and North-west Africa. Leaves typically around 2.5-4.5mm long, larger in the terminal rosettes of aquatic plants, almost always rounded or spoon-shaped and not linear. A highly variable plant which may be found growing submerged in water or as a terrestrial form on wet mud. Ripe fruits greyish and with broad wings.