Viburnums and Elders
Viburnum Family - Viburnaceae
European Elder Sambucus nigraNative throughout Europe and Asia Minor to Iran. A shrub to 10m in height but often much less. Bark corky and soft and plants often remain somewhat semi-woody, without forming a long-lasting stem.
Dwarf Elder Sambucus ebulus
Native throughout Europe and Asia Minor to Iran and North-west Africa. Grows as a herbaceous perennial (to about 1.5m in height) and dies down each autumn. Plants in the UK often produce little fruit and tend to spread more often via vegetative means. Some colonies are long-lived and may extend for 50m along a roadside verge. The dark red-purple anthers of the flowers distinguish this species from other elders in the region.
Laurustinus Viburnum tinus
Native throughout the Mediterranean region. Leaves evergreen with hairy margins.