Yellow Umbellifers
Carrot Family - Apiaceae
Giant Fennel Ferula communisNative throughout the Mediterranean Region and southward to the Arabian Peninsula and East Africa.
Common Fennel Foeniculum vulgare
Native throughout southern Europe and the Mediterranean Region to the Arabian Peninsula and eastwards to the Himalayas. Widely introduced and cultivated elsewhere.
Dill Anethum graveolens
Native to North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Widely grown as a herb and occasionally found as an escape from cultivation elsewhere. A small, annual, typically to around 60cm in height. Leaves three- to four-pinnate, cut very deeply into fine segments, hairless. Bracts and bracteoles absent; fruits oval and compressed dorsally. The whole plant is blue-green in colour and richly aniseed-scented.
Common Alexanders Smyrnium olusatrum
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region, including Macaronesia. Introduced for culinary purposes further north on Europe. Upper stem leaves relatively small, not wrapping around stem.
Aegean Alexanders Smyrnium creticum
(Smyrnium apiifolium) Native to the Aegean Region, as far as Southern Anatolia. Upper stem leaves wrapping around stem, coarsely shaped. Thinly but widely scattered in scrubby places.
Perfoliate Alexanders Smyrnium perfoliatum
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region and eastwards to the Caucasus. Upper stem leaves wrapping around stem, neatly rounded in shape. Shady, deciduous woodland.
Golden Hogweed Leiotulus aureus
(Malabaila aurea) Native to the southern Balkans and Turkey. Local in grassy and rocky places.
Gargano Poison-carrot Thapsia garganica
Native to the Mediterranean Region.
Hispid Heal-all Opopanax hispidus
Native from Italy eastwards through the Balkans to the Middle East. Frequent on stony slopes.
Rock Samphire Crithmum maritimum
Common in coastal areas around the Mediterranean Basin, Black Sea and the Atlantic coast of Europe. Flowers pale cream.