White-flowered Umbellifers
Carrot Family - Apiaceae
Common Shepherd's-needle Scandix pecten-venerisNative to much of Central and southern Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, eastwards to western Asia and India. A common plant of arable and disturbed ground. Seed capsules carried in vertical clusters.
Southern Shepherd's-needle Scandix australis
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region and eastwards to Iran. Seed capsules carried in spreading clusters. Bracteoles not leaf-like. Rays 3-5, not thickened in fruit. Beak of fruit only slightly compressed and distinctly separated from rest of capsule.
Bur Chervil Anthriscus caucalis
Native throughout Europe and much of the Mediterranean Region. Leaves two- to three-pinnate, very finely cut and fern-like, with scattered hairs beneath; bracts 0-1, bracteoles 4-5; flower heads carried in small clusters opposite the leaves; fruits oval, narrower towards the tip and with a beaked tip; covered in hooked hairs.
Knotted Hedge-parsley Torilis nodosa
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region eastwards to Pakistan.
Southern Hedge-parsley Torilis africana
Native to the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Afghanistan and south through East and South Africa. Stems have flattened, white hairs and branches spread openly and widely. Leaves one- to two-pinnate, the leaves often with noticeably long-tapered tips, especially the upper ones; All umbels terminal, bracts 0-1, flowerhead with 2-3 rays. Upper leaves reduced, 3-lobed.
Slender-leaved Hedge-parsley Torilis leptophylla
Native from Macaronesia eastwards through the Mediterranean Region to western and Central Asia. Stems have flattened, white hairs and branches spread openly and widely. Leaves one- to two-pinnate, the leaves often with noticeably long-tapered tips, especially the upper ones. Umbels typically leaf-opposed, not terminal, bracts 0-1, flowerhead with 2-3 rays. Upper leaves reduced.
Horse Caraway Laser trilobum
Native in much of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe, eastwards to the Caucasus and Iran. Found in grassy places and roadsides in deciduous woodland.
Flat-fruited Orlaya Orlaya daucoides
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region and Middle East.
Common Carrot Daucus carota
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to the Himalayas.
Dwarf Carrot Daucus pumilus
Native to the Canary Islands and throughout the Mediterranean Region. Typically found on sandy beaches.
Rock Samphire Crithmum maritimum
Common in coastal areas around the Mediterranean Basin, Black Sea and the Atlantic coast of Europe. Flowers pale cream.
Scaligeria napiformis
Native from the Balkans and Greece to Libya and the Levant.
Common Hogweed Heracleum sphondylium
Native throughout Europe to North-west Africa and Turkey. Leaves one- to two-pinnate typically with coarse, broad segments that are roughly hairy, but some plants have distinctly narrower leaf segments; bracts 0-2, bracteoles 6-10, narrowly linear; fruits disk-shaped, strongly flattened laterally and with prominent styles at the top. The leaf stalks sheath the stem at the base. Flowers at the outer edge of the flowerhead are stongly asymetrical with much larger petals towards the outer edge of each flower.
Mediterranean Hartwort Tordylium apulum
Native in South-east Europe. Local in grassy and rocky places.
Bullwort Ammi majus
Native in the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to the Arabian Peninsula and Iran but also widely introduced elsewhere. Flowering stems to one metre in height. Leaves one to two-pinnate; bracts numerous, cut deeply to the veins and deeply forked; bracteoles with long, slender tips and white, winged margins at the base; fruits 1.5-2mm long, elliptical with slender but prominent ridges.
Toothpick-plant Visnaga daucoides
Native to the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to the Caucasus and Iran. Flowering stems to one metre in height but often much less. Lower leaves once-pinnate, upper leaves much smaller, two to four-pinnate and deeply cut into linear segments; bracts numerous, cut deeply to the veins and deeply forked; bracteoles narrowly tapered to a fine point; fruits 2-2.5mm long, oval with slender ridges.
Hemlock Conium maculatum
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Basin to Central Asia and the Himalayas. Leaves two- to four-pinnate with fine 'ferny' segments, hairless; bracts 5-6, bracteoles 3-6; fruits globular with warty ridges. Despite being only an annual or biennial, plants may grow to 2.5m in height and often form dense colonies. Plants smell very strongly and distinctively of male mice; stems strongly purple-spotted and the whole plant is highly poisonous.