Wetland Umbellifers
Carrot Family - Apiaceae
Corky-fruited Water-dropwort Oenanthe pimpinelloidesNative throughout the Mediterranean Region eastward to the Caucasus and north to Great Britain. Lower leaves usually two-pinnate, upper leaves one- to two-pinnate with very narrow, linear segments, hairless; bracts 0-5, bracteoles 12-20 and typically very narrow; fruits oval or cylindrical, with prominent ridges, their stalks thickening as the fruits mature. The stems and leaf stalks are solid, not thin-walled and tubular.
Narrow-leaved Water-dropwort Oenanthe silaifolia
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region and much of Europe, eastwards to Iran. Stems hollow. Despite the name, the leaflets of this species are broader than those of Corky-fruited Water-dropwort.
Hemlock Conium maculatum
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Basin to Central Asia and the Himalayas. Leaves two- to four-pinnate with fine 'ferny' segments, hairless; bracts 5-6, bracteoles 3-6; fruits globular with warty ridges. Despite being only an annual or biennial, plants may grow to 2.5m in height and often form dense colonies. Plants smell very strongly and distinctively of male mice; stems strongly purple-spotted and the whole plant is highly poisonous.
Fool's Water-cress Helosciadium nodiflorum
Native. throughout much of Europe and the Mediterranean Region eastwards to North-east Africa and Pakistan. Petals white but often with a greenish or yellowish tinge. Leaves once-pinnate, finely toothed at the margins, hairless; bracts usually absent but sometimes 1-2 and bracteoles usually absent but sometimes up to seven, typically relatively broad and with paler margins; fruits rounded, laterally compressed and strongly ribbed. Flower clusters usually appear on short branches along the stems and opposite the leaves. A very variable plant that may be small and creeping in seasonally dry, open sites, or upright in wetter sites and when growing amongst other, tall plants.
Common Celery Apium graveolens
Nativ throughout Europe and the Mediterranean region, eastwards to the Himalayas. Petals white but often with a greenish or yellowish tinge. Leaves once-pinnate, leaflets relatively broad and strongly toothed at the margins, hairless; bracts and bracteoles usually absent; fruits rounded, laterally compressed and strongly ribbed. Gives off a strong celery scent.