Toadflaxes & Allies
Plantain Family - Plantaginaceae
Common Hedge-hyssop Gratiola officinalisNative throughout most of mainland Europe to western Asia. typically a plant of damp areas and seasonally wet ground.
Common Snapdragon Antirrhinum majus
Native to southern France and Iberia but widely grown and escaping from cultivation elsewhere.
Weasel's-snout Misopates orontium
Native throughout the Mediterranean region, southern Europe and the Middle East to India and East Africa. Typically in bare or disturbed ground.
Long-spurred Toadflax Linaria chalepensis
Native throughout most of the European Mediterranean Region, from France eastwards to the Middle East and Iran.
Jersey Toadflax Linaria pelisseriana
Native throughout the Mediterranean region, eastwards to Asia Minor.
Small Yellow Toadflax Linaria simplex
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region, eastwards through the Middle East to Pakistan. A tiny plant with flowers just 5-9mm long.
Common Ivy-leaved Toadflax Cymbalaria muralis
Native to the southern Alps and North-western Balkan Peninsula but widely introduced elsewhere. Easily identified from its ivy-like leaves, toadflax flowers and trailing habit. Flowers usually pale violet, but sometimes white.
Sharp-leaved Fluellen Kickxia elatine
Native throughout Europe, eastwards to Central Asia and southward to North-east Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. A trailing annual plant with leaves like those of Field Bindweed, but hairy. Leaves very variable in shape but always with a few pointed lobes. Flowers solitary in the leaf axils on stems more or less hairless except close to the flower, flowers small - just 7-11mm long with a more or less straight spur.
Mediterranean Fluellen Kickxia commutata
Native throughout most of the European Mediterranean Region, from France eastwards to the Middle East and Iran. Similar to Sharp-leaved Fluellen, but more shaggily hairy and the flowers with a strongly curved spur.
Round-leaved Fluellen Kickxia spuria
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Iran. A trailing annual plant with rounded, hairy leaves. Flowers solitary in the leaf axils on stems noticeably clothed in long hairs, flowers small - just 7-11mm long.
Bear's-breech Family - Acanthaceae
Spineless Bear's-breech Acanthus mollisNative to North-west Africa and the central and eastern Mediterranean area. Leaves glossy with relatively broad side lobes and no spines.