Stonecrop Family - Crassulaceae
Mossy Stonecrop Crassula tillaeaNative from Macaronesia and western Europe, through the Mediterranean Region to the Arabian Peninsula. A minuscule plant, requiring hands and knees!
Vaillant's Pygmyweed Crassula vaillantii
Native in the Mediterranean, Black Sea and Central Asian regions as well as in southern Africa.
Pale Stonecrop Petrosedum sediforme
(Sedum nicaeense) Native throughout the Mediterranean Region. Variable in its leaf shape according to growing conditions.
Sedum confertiflorum
Native from North-east Greece and southern Bulgaria to Central Turkey. An erect annual, 5-12cm tall, stems simple or with a few branches, tending to be thicker towards the top. Leaves alternate, sessile, narrowly ovate to linear. Flowers with 5 petals, white or pale pink. Sepals joined to about halfway. Stamens 10, anthers red or dark purple. Ripe fruits suberect.
Coastal Stonecrop Sedum litoreum
Native to the central and eastern Mediterranean Region. Variable according to growing conditions. Hairless, relatively robust annual, 4-12cm tall. Leaves alternate, oblong-elliptic to obovate. Flowers with 5 petals, pale yellow. Stamens usually 5, anthers small, globose, red or yellow. Ripe fruits spreading, star-like.
Tufted Stonecrop Sedum cespitosum
Sedum caespitosum Native throughout the Mediterranean Region to the Balkans, Black Sea area and through to Iran and the Arabian Peninsula. An annual, 2-6cm tall. Leaves alternate, sessile. Flowers with 4-5 petals, white or reddish with a green or red keel. Stamens 4-5, anthers red or yellowish. Ripe fruits spreading, star-like.
Spanish Stonecrop Sedum hispanicum
Native to the central and eastern Mediterranean Region, eastwards through the Black Sea area, Caucasus, Iran and the Arabian Peninsula. Annual or short-lived perennial with non-flowering shoots at the base, stems 4-15cm long. Leaves densely glandular-pubescent in the upper part of the plant, alternate, imbricate, narrowly elliptical to linear. Flowers subsessile with 6-7 petals, white with pink midvein. Stamens 6-7, anthers reddish-purple. Ripe fruits spreading, star-like.
Common Navelwort Umbilicus rupestris
Native from Macaronesia and western Europe through the Mediterranean Region to the Arabian Peninsula. Flowers in a dense, single spike, carried slightly drooping.
Horizontal Navelwort Umbilicus horizontalis
Native from Macaronesia through the Mediterranean Region to the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Flowers in a dense, single spike, carried horizontally.