Spurge Family - Euphorbiaceae
Turn-sole Chrozophora tinctoriaNative throughout the Mediterranean Region and eastwards to Central Asia and India. The whole plant is covered in conspicuous, stellate hairs. Male and female flowers separate but carried in the same cluster.
Annual Mercury Mercurialis annua
Native to much of Europe and the Mediterranean Region to the Arabian Peninsula.
Purple Spurge Euphorbia peplis
Native to coastal areas of western and southern Europe and from Macaronesia eastwards through the mediterranean Region to Iran. Stems reddish purple or yellow in colour, creeping to form leafy mats. Leaves relatively large for this group of plants, to 15mm in length, somewhat fleshy.
Spotted Sandmat Euphorbia maculata
Native to North and Central America but widely introduced elsewhere. Stems creeping to form leafy mats. Leaves lightly toothed on the margins and usually with a dark blotch, but this blotch may be absent on some plants. Stems lightly hairy with adpressed hairs. Flowers with white glands. Seed capsules grooved and without dimpled surfaces but with a light covering of hairs.
Prostrate Sandmat Euphorbia prostrata
Native to the Americas but widely introduced into the Old World. Stems creeping to form leafy mats. Leaves lightly toothed on the margins and stems noticeably hairy towards the tips. Flowers with reddish glands. Seed capsules rough, hairy on the keels.
Balkan Spurge Euphorbia oblongata
Native to the Balkan Peninsula, eastwards to Turkey. Favours scrub and woodland habitats. Stems hairy, upright to 90cm in height from creeping root systems, forming bushy clumps. Leaves and stems with an overall yellow-green look to them. Flower bracts bright yellow, leafy looking. Flower glands typically only 2-3 per flower (rather than four to five), bright yellow without pointed projections. Seed capsules hairless, covered in bumpy tubercles.
Pubescent Spurge Euphorbia hirsuta
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region from Macaronesia eastwards to Asia Minor and the Caucasus. Typically a plant of seasonally wet places, especially coastal regions but rare on Lesvos.
Narrow-leaved Glaucous Spurge Euphorbia rigida
Native in Morocco, south-east Europe and the Caucasus to Iran. Leaves glaucous, stiff and fleshy.
Dwarf Spurge Euphorbia exigua
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region to Iran.
Petty Spurge Euphorbia peplus
Native throughout Europe, western Asia to Inda and North and East Africa.
Sun Spurge Euphorbia helioscopia
Native throughout most of Europe, Asia and North Africa.
Sea Spurge Euphorbia paralias
Native around Atlantic, Black Sea and Mediterranean coasts of Europe and North Africa. Grows in coastal sands.
Mediterranean Spurge Euphorbia characias
Native throughout most of the Mediterranean Region. Flowers with either yellow-green glands (subspecies wulfenii) or brown to reddish glands (subspecies characias). Seed capsules grooved, not warty densely hairy.
Stone-breaker Family - Phyllanthaceae
Andrachne telephioidesNative from Macaronesia eastward through the Mediterranean Region and northern Africa to India and Central Asia.