Shrubs - Small Families
Laurel Family - Lauraceae
Bay Laurel Laurus nobilisNative to the Mediterranean Region. Common in Mediterranean maquis but also widely cultivated in gardens and urban areas.
Oleaster Family - Elaeagnaceae
Narrow-leaved Oleaster Elaeagnus angustifoliaNative from the Black Sea region of Europe eastwards through the steppe zone to western China and south to the Levant and Pakistan. Often also planted as a shelter belt in coastal regions for its salt-tolerance.
Mulberry Family - Moraceae
Common Fig Ficus caricaProbably native to the eastern Mediterranean, eastwards to Iran, but long cultivated elsewhere and well-established and cultivated.
Purple Loosestrife Family - Lythraceae
Pomegranate Punica granatumIntroduced from Asia Minor and commonly planted for its fruit and for ornament. A double-flowered form is sometimes found in gardens.
Tamarisk Family - Tamaricaceae
Hampe's Tamarisk Tamarix hampeanaNative to the eastern Mediterranean, from Sicily and Albania eastward. Flowers March-May; flower spikes 7-10mm wide; flowers with 4-5 parts and with petals to 4mm long. Sepals c.2mm long, the outer ones keeled. Stamens inserted at apex of each disc lobe; filaments slender. Lower bracts shorter than pedicels. Mature bark brown. (Tamarix parviflora has flowers 4-parted, spikes 3-6mm wide and petals to only 2mm long, not keeled in the lower part).
Smyrna Tamarisk Tamarix smyrnensis
Native from South-east Europe to Pakistan. Flowers irregularly, April-September; flower spikes 3-7mm wide; flowers with 5 parts and with petals to 2mm long, keeled in the lower part. Stamens inserted below disc sinuses; filaments slender. Bracts longer than pedicels. Mature bark reddish-brown.
Birch Family - Betulaceae
European Hazel Corylus avellanaNative throughout Europe to Turkey, the Urals and the Caucasus. Forms a multistemmed shrub with long, cane-like stems. Leaves variable, rounded, but often with a 'shouldered' appearance. The leafy bracts surrounding the developing hazel nuts typically form a broad, bell-shaped profile, widening towards the tips.
Storax Family - Styracaceae
Storax Styrax officinalisNative from Italy and the Balkans to Turkey and the Levant.
Dogwood Family - Cornaceae
Cornelian-cherry Cornus masNative through Central Europe to the Caucasus and Turkey. A large shrub or small tree to 4m in height. Flowers appear on the bare stems in winter. Young stems dull, dark red and green. Leaves are more leathery and more glossy than those of other dogwoods.
Pittosporum Family - Pittosporaceae
Japanese Cheesewood Pittosporum tobiraNative to South Korea and Japan. Commonly planted in the Mediterranean Region as an ornamental bush or hedge.
European Holly Ilex aquifolium
Native and common throughout most of East Anglia as a hedgerow tree or understory tree in woodland. Flowers May to August. A tree to over 20m in the natural state, but often pruned to a hedge. Very variable in leaf shape, stem colour (green or purple) and in overall growth style. Berries usually red but may be orange or yellow, even on wild plants.