Honeysuckle Family - Caprifoliaceae
Transsylvanian Scabious Cephalaria transsylvanicaNative to the central Mediterranean Region eastwards to the Caucasus. An annual with distinctive, brown-centred flower bracts. Cephalaria is typified by having calyx-setae not plumose; marginal and central florets subequal; corolla 4-lobed; flower bracts in more than three rows; receptacle hairless but with scales.
Entire-leaved Scabious Knautia integrifolia
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region from NE Spain to the Middle East and northward into Central France. Frequent in grassy places and roadsides. Knautia is typified by having calyx with 8-16 setae or teeth (not plumose); receptacle hairy and without scales.
Lomelosia brachiata
Native to the Aegean and Black Sea area. Frequent in grassy and rocky places.
Sweet Scabious Scabiosa atropurpurea
Native to the Mediterranean Region. Scabiosa is typified by having calyx-setae not plumose; marginal florets radiate; corolla 5-lobed. Receptacle hairless but with scales.