The Rose Family
Rose Family - Rosaceae
Sulphur Cinquefoil Potentilla rectaNative throughout Europe and the Mediterranean region eastwards to Central Asia. Flowers June to July. A showy, upright species with relatively large, primrose-yellow flowers and strikingly fingered leaves.
Creeping Cinquefoil Potentilla reptans
Native and widespread throughout much of the temperate Old World. Flowers June to September. A creeping plant with long, trailing branches that root into the ground at the leaf nodes. Leaves all with five leaflets.
Common Agrimony Agrimonia eupatoria
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region eastwards to Central Asia. Flowers June to August. Forms an upright spike to around a metre in height. Stems have scattered, long, white hairs with a thicker underlayer of short hairs. Mature fruits obconical in shape, with clearly fluted sides and hooked bristles which are mostly not reflexed.
Salad Burnet Sanguisorba minor
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Afghanistan.
Field Parsley-piert Alchemilla arvensis
(Aphanes arvensis) Native throughout Europe, eastwards to Iran. Flowers May to October. Usually a prostrate species, forming dense mats of bright green vegetation, but may also form short, upright stems. The sepals of the petalless flowers are typically erect to slightly spreading, giving a flower that looks tubular and broadens out at the top. The flowers are nestled down inside the frill formed by the stipule and the lobes of the stipules are roughly as long as they are wide, thus forming equilateral triangles; these lobes are about half as long as the entire portion of the stipule.