The Leadwort Family
Leadwort Family - Plumbaginaceae
Matted Sea-lavender Limonium bellidifoliumNative to Atlantic, Mediterranean and Black Sea coasts of Europe. Local on firm, sandy substrates at the uppe edge of saltmarshes. Leaves with parallel (not branched) veins. Flowering stems many-branched, with the shorter, lower branches not bearing flowers. Leaves withered by the time of flowering. A low-growing, mat-forming and very twiggy-looking species.
Sinuate Statice Limonium sinuatum
Native throughout the Mediterranean region, including the Canary Islands. Found on stoney ground but may also occur as a garden escape in urban areas.
European Leadwort Plumbago europaea
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Iran and Turkmenistan.
Cape Leadwort Plumbago auriculata
Native to South and South-east Africa. Commonly grown as a garden and amenity plant in warmer parts of the world, including throughout the Mediterranean Region.