Pea Family - Trees & Shrubs
Pea Family - Fabaceae
Judas-tree Cercis siliquastrumA native species in the Mediterranean Region and eastwards through the Middle East to Iran, but also widely planted in the area as an ornamental. Flowers May. A small to medium-sized tree with alternate, rounded leaves. When in flower, this species is truly spectacular as flowers emerge direct from the older branches and even the trunk, to give a sensational display in pinkish purple. The brown seed pods hang on the tree through the winter and can be very conspicuous.
Carob Ceratonia siliqua
Native to the Mediterranean Region and Middle East, but widely planted and cultivated elsewhere.
Blue-leaved Wattle Acacia saligna
(Port Jackson Wattle) Native to south-western Australia. Occasional as large shrub or sprawling, multi-stemmed tree and occasionally seeding along roadsides and in barrancos.
Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia
(False-acacia). Native to North America. Widely planted as an amenity tree in Europe and commonly self-seeding along roadsides.
Bean Trefoil Anagyris foetida
Native in the Mediterranean Region to the Arabian Peninsula.
Hairy Spiny-broom Calicotome villosa
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region and often dominant in shrub communities on open hillsides.
Genista monspessulana
Native from Macaronesia through the Mediterranean region to the Caucasus.
Genista acanthoclada
Native to the Mediterranean region, from Greece and Libya eastward to Lebanon. A very dense and spiny, low shrub.
Spanish Broom Spartium junceum
Native in Macaronesia and the Mediterranean Region. Frequent on sunny slopes, but also widely planted along roadsides.
Adenocarpus complicatus
Native to Macaronesia and the Mediterranean region. Usually low-growing, forming spreading patches of vegetation.
Hermann's Kidney-vetch Anthyllis hermanniae
Native from Corsica and Sardinia eastwards to Turkey. A shrubby component of low maquis habitats.
Tree Medick Medicago arborea
Native to the Mediterranean regions of Europe and Turkey but also introduced as an ornamental elsewhere.
Chinese Wisteria Wisteria sinensis
Native to Eastern Asia. Commonly planted as a garden ornamental and included here as it is a frequent eye-catcher when in flower. A strong-growing climber. Flowers April to May. Chinese Wisteria stems twine anti-clockwise as they grow and the leaves typically have 7-13 leaflets - both features that distinguish it from Japanese Wisteria.
counter-clockwise |
Common Liquorice Glycyrrhiza glabra
Native from the central Mediterranean region eastwards through eastern Europe and the Middle East to eastern and Central Asia. Some plants may be relics of cultivation.
False-indigo Bush Amorpha fruticosa
Native to the USA and northern Mexico but widely introduced into Europe and Asia where it often becomes invasive in warmer, continental climates.