Pea Family - Vetches
Pea Family - Fabaceae
Yellow Serradella Ornithopus compressusNative to Macaronesia and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Iran.
Orange Bird's-foot Ornithopus pinnatus
Native to Macaronesia and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Iran.
Lesser Horseshoe Vetch Hippocrepis ciliata
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region. Flowers on relatively long peduncles, in heads of 1-6; pedicels hairy, Blade of standard petal sharply broadening out from claw (not tapered). A single, gland-like dot in the angle between stipule and petiole. Seedpods straight or slightly curved, with open ends of 'horseshoes' on concave side.
Hatchet Vetch Coronilla securidaca
Native to the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Iran.
Small Crown Vetch Coronilla rostrata
(Securigera parviflora) Native from South-east Europe to Iran.
Hairy Tare Vicia hirsuta
Native throughout most of the Old World and widely established elsewhere. A delicate, fine-leaved annual, scrambling to 80cm by means of leaf tendrils. Flowers very pale lilac, but appearing white from a distance, usually 2-9 in a cluster; tiny - 3-5mm long. Leaflets very narrow like other tares. Seed pods covered in fine hairs.
Slender Tare Vicia parviflora
Native to Macaronesia, parts of Western Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. A delicate, fine-leaved annual, scrambling to 80cm by means of leaf tendrils, the leaves bearing 2-4 pairs of leaflets. Flowers pale lilac, usually 1-4 in a cluster; very small - 6-9mm long. Leaflets very narrow like other tares. Seed pods hairless.
Downy Vetch Vicia pubescens
Native to Macaronesia and throughout the Mediterranean Region. A small-flowered species, the flowers carried in small clusters on long peduncles.
Fine-leaved Vetch Vicia tenuifolia
Native to Macaronesia and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Iran.
Hairy-fruited Vetch Vicia eriocarpa
Native to the Central and Eastern Mediterranean, South-eastwards to the Arabian Peninsula. Formerly considered to be a form of Hairy Vetch and seemingly identifiable from Vicia villosa subsp. varia only by the hairy young pods (generally smooth in Hairy Vetch).
Cretan Vetch Vicia cretica
Native to Greece and the Aegean islands. A tiny species, often found scrambling through spiny vegetation where it avoids being grazed.
Hungarian Vetch Vicia pannonica subsp. striata
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region, eastwards through Eastern Europe and the Caucasus to Iran. Can resemble purple forms of Hairy Yellow Vetch, but flowers more richly coloured dull purple and peduncles at least as long as pedicels.
Hairy Yellow Vetch Vicia hybrida
Native to the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Afghanistan. A scrambling annual with hairs on the back of the upper petal. Leaf tip apiculate. Peduncles very short or absent.
Common Vetch Vicia sativa ssp. sativa
Native throughout Europe, Asia and parts of northern and eastern Africa. This subspecies is also widely cultivated as a fodder crop and green manure.
Narrow-leaved Vetch Vicia sativa ssp. nigra
Native throughout Europe, Asia and parts of northern and eastern Africa. A scrambling perennial plant to 50cm. Flowers single or occasionally two together in the leaf axils, the standard petal the same rich pink as the two wings. Upper leaves with leaflets much narrower than those of the lower leaves. Seed pods dark brown or black when mature.
Spring Vetch Vicia lathyroides
Native throughout Europe, the Middle East and North-west Africa. A delicate annual to 20cm in length, which is easily overlooked due to its small size. Leaves generally with 2-4 pairs of leaflets and with an unforked tendril or the tendril absent. Flowers solitary, small, 6-9mm long, purple, usually one-coloured but sometimes bi-coloured.
Black-eyed Vetch Vicia melanops
Native to Mediterranean Region from France to Turkey and the southern Balkan countries.
Large Yellow Vetch Vicia grandiflora
Native from central and South-east Europe to Iran. An annual or biennial with calyx teeth all equal and shorter than the tube. Leaf tip apiculate.
Yellow Vetch Vicia lutea
Native to the Mediterranean Region and eastern Europe, eastwards to Iran. A scrambling annual with smooth upper petals. Leaf tip acute.
Bithynian Vetch Vicia bithynica
Native from Macaronesia and western Europe, eastwards through the Mediterranean Region to Pakistan. An annual to 60cm, with solitary, bi-coloured flowers and strongly toothed leaf stipules. The leaves have 1-2 pairs of narrow leflets and branched tendrils.
Cockscomb Sainfoin Onobrychis caput-galli
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Iran.
Equal-toothed Sainfoin Onobrychis aequidentata
Native to southern Europe, eastwards to Iran.
Goat's-rue Galega officinalis
Native throughout Central and Southern Europe, eastwards to Iran. A bushy perennial plant without tendrils, growing to 120cm or so in height. Flowers in upright spikes, pale purple or white.
Biserrula pelecinus
Native to Macaronesia, through the Mediterranean Region to the Arabian Peninsula and East Africa.
Hooked Milk-vetch Astragalus hamosus
Native to Macaronesia, through the Mediterranean Region to the Arabian Peninsula and Central Asia.
Narrow-leaved Milk-vetch Astragalus angustifolius
Native on dry, rocky slopes from the Balkans to Syria.