Pea Family - Trifoliate leaves
Pea Family - Fabaceae
These are all members of the pea family with trifoliate leaves. This page includes the bird's-foot-trefoils and some of the restharrows as well as a few other species. Other members of the family with trifoliate leaves, including the trefoils, melilots and medicks can all be found on a separate page by clicking here.
Pitch Trefoil Bituminaria bituminosa
Native from the Canary Islands eastward to the Middle East. Common in rough places in seminatural habitats such as field edges and roadsides.
Canary Clover Lotus hirsutus
Native to the Mediterranean Region.
Pink Bird's-foot-trefoil Lotus conimbricensis
Native on Madeira and throughout the Mediterranean Region.
Narrow-leaved Bird's-foot-trefoil Lotus tenuis
Native throughout Europe to Central Asia and North Africa. A low-growing, patch-forming species. Flowers usually clear yellow, the upper two calyx teeth usually converging on each other. The leaves have three, very narrow leaflets and two, narrow, leaflet-like stipules.
Hairy Bird's-foot-trefoil Lotus subbiflorus
Native on Madeira, Western Europe and the Mediterranean Region.
Large-fruited Bird's-foot-trefoil Lotus edulis
Native to the Mediterranean Region. Flowers relatively large (to 16mm long) on long pedicels./p>
Grey Bird's-foot-trefoil Lotus cytisoides
Native to the Mediterranean Region. Much confused with Lotus creticus, perhaps because it was considered a form of that species in older books. Grey Bird's-foot-trefoil is highly variable, with glaucous forms resembling creticus and green forms resembling L. longisiliquosus (formerly L. collinus) and with the species often growing together. Grey Bird's-foot-trefoil differs from creticus in its narrower flowers with a shorter, curved keel and its more slender pods. It differs from longisiliquosus by its shorter, blunter calyx teeth and purple-tipped keel.
Southern Bird's-foot-trefoil Lotus ornithopodioides
Native from Macaronesia eastwards through the Mediterranean Region to Ukraine.
Bird's-foot Restharrow Ononis ornithopodioides
Native to the Mediterranean Region. A small, highly glandular-pubescent annual.
Small Restharrow Ononis reclinata
Native from Macaronesia eastwards through western Europe and the Mediterranean Region to Iran and Kenya.
Downy Restharrow Ononis pubescens
Native in the western and eastern Mediterranean Regions but apparently absent from the central part of the region. Favours, hot, stony slopes.
Sticky Restharrow Ononis viscosa
Native from Macaronesia eastwards through the Mediterranean Region to Iran. A hightly variable species; leaves either trifoliate, or single-bladed with leaf-like stipules.
Spiny Restharrow Ononis spinosa
Native throughout Europe to Turkey. A low-growing but erect subshrub to 70cm in height with glandular hairy stems, the hairs distributed discreetly in one ore two narrow rows on the stems. Leaves have three leaflets but may consist of a single, simple blade on upper parts of the plant. The pink and white flowers have the wings shorter than the keel. The stems typically bear obvious, straw-coloured spines.