Pea Family - Small Groups
Pea Family - Fabaceae
Narrow-leaved Lupin Lupinus angustifoliusNative to the Mediterranean Region.
Bitter Blue Lupin Lupinus gussoneanus
Native throughout the Mediterranean region. Flowers relatively small, 10-14mm long; calyx with bipartite upper lip.
Downy Lupin Lupinus pilosus
Native from the southern Balkans, through western Turkey to the Levant. Flowers relatively large, 15-20mm long; calyx with bipartite upper lip.
Gredos Lupin Lupinus gredensis
Native to the Iberian Peninsula. Occurence in Greece is considered by some to be proof of a disjunct, native population, but others think it more likely to have been introduced here. Flowers carried in neat whorls, dull yellow, fading to dull purple with age.
Common Kidney Vetch Anthyllis vulneraria subsp. rubriflora
The species is native throughout Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, with the subspecies rubriflora being widespread in lowland Mediterranean areas.
Disc Vetch Anthyllis circinnata
(Hymenocarpos circinnatus) Native to the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to the Arabian Peninsula and Iran.
Bladder Vetch Tripodion tetraphyllum
(Anthyllis tetraphylla) Native to the Mediterranean Region.
Annual Scorpion-vetch Coronilla scorpioides
Native throughout the Mediterranean region eastwards to Iran.
Caterpillar-plant Scorpiurus muricatus
Native from Macaronesia through the Mediterranean Region to Iran.