Orchid Family - Orchidaceae
Red Helleborine Cephalanthera rubraNative throughout Europe to South-west Asia and North-west Africa.
White Helleborine Cephalanthera damasonium
Native throughout much of Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards through the Middle East and Transcaucasus to eastern Asia. Flowers typically creamy rather than pure white and not fully opening.
Narrow-leaved Helleborine Cephalanthera longifolia
(Sword-leaved Helleborine) Native throughout much of Europe and eastward through Turkey and the Transcaucasus to Pakistan. Lower petal lip has a solid yellow blotch and the long, narrow leaves are distinctive.
Spurred Helleborine Cephalanthera epipactoides
Native in extreme eastern Greece, northern and western Turkey and Israel. Lower petal lip has 7-9 creamy yellow ridges towards the base.
Small-leaved Helleborine Epipactis microphylla
Native patchily through Central and southern Europe to Turkey and Iran.
Broad-leaved Helleborine Epipactis helleborine
Native throughout most of Europe and Northwest Africa, eastwards to the Himalayas.