Less Typical Orchids
Orchid Family - Orchidaceae
Violet Bird's-nest Orchid Limodorum abortivum(Violet Limodore) Native throughout southern Europe and the Mediterranean Region to the Middle East and the Caucasus. The flowers self-pollinate and, in dry years, the flowers may remain below ground.
Common Twayblade Neottia ovata
Native throughout much of Europe, especially in the North. Less common and more scattered in the warmer south.
Man Orchid Orchis anthropophora
Native from southern Britain, southward to Northwest Africa and eastward through the Mediterranean to Cyprus.
Dense-flowered Orchid Neotinea maculata
Native from Macaronesia and extreme western Europe, through the Mediterranean Region to the Middle East.
Compère's Orchid Himantoglossum comperianum
Small populations known from Crimea, Turkey and the eastern Aegean islands, northern Iran and Lebanon. A rare plant throughout its range and threatened in Turkey by over-collecting for the ice-cream industry. For those visiting Lesvos in the main birdwatching season (late April to early May), this plant is likely only to be seen in bud. For photographs of the species in all its glory, there are some fine pictures on the Lesvos Birders website.
Note: the vernacular name for this species is spelt a variety of ways: Komper's, Comper's and Compère's have all appeared in various publications. The plant was originally named in owner of Compère, the French colonist and landowner in the Crimea who first collected the species, so it is that name that is used here.
Long-spurred Lizard Orchid Himantoglossum calcaratum subsp. jankae
Native from Hungary southward through the Balkans to Crete and northern Turkey, and in Crimea.
Giant Orchid Himantoglossum robertianum
Native throughout most of the Mediterranean Region.
Autumn Lady's-tresses Spiranthes spiralis
Native throughout much of Europe except the North, eastwards to Turkey, Cyprus and the Caucasus. often missed by visiting naturalists as this is an autumn-flowering species.