Mallow Family - Malvaceae
Bladder Ketmia Hibiscus trionumNative throughout the Mediterranean region and eastern Europe, eastwards through the Caucasus to Iran. Leaves deeply fingered with lobed margins to the leaflets. The seed pods inflate after flowering to form bladder-like globes.
Velvetleaf Abutilon theophrasti
Native from Central Asia eastwards to eastern China. A weed of cultivated fields. Leaves heart-shaped and with the most amazingly soft, plush-velvet feel! Seed capsules inflated and with strongly ribbed sides and spiked tops.
Common Mallow Malva sylvestris
Native Europe and North Africa, eastwards to Central Asia. Petals 15-30mm, pinkish-mauve with darker veins; sepals broadly triangular, less than three times as long as broad; epicalyx segments three, free, oblong lanceolate. Dorsal face of ripe fruits distinctly wrinkled.
French Mallow Malva nicaeensis
Native from the Azores eastwards through the Mediterranean Region to Pakistan. A low-growing, often straggling, plant, variably hairy or more or less smooth. Petals rather pale, pinkish, 4-12mm long and typically less than twice as long as calyx.
Least Mallow Malva parviflora
Native from the Azores eastwards through the Mediterranean Region to Pakistan and across Saharan Africa. A rather variable species but typically with quite deeply lobed leaves and noticeably small flowers that are a very pale pink or almost white in colour. Epicalyx lobes narrow and rather sharply pointed. Nutlets smooth, but with sharply ridged - almost winged - edges.
Dwarf Mallow Malva neglecta
Native throughout most of Europe and the Mediterranean Region eastwards to the Himalayas. Typically a prostrate species, but sometimes reaches upward when at the base of walls or fences. Leaves more less entire and palmately lobed. Epicalyx lobes narrow and rather sharply pointed. Flowers pale pink. Nutlets smooth, not ridged on the surface.
Smaller Tree Mallow Malva multiflora
(Lavatera cretica) Native in western and southern Europe and the Mediterranean Region. Very similar to Common Mallow, but epicalyx segments joined for at least their lower third with free part broadly triangular ovate. Dorsal face of ripe fruits almost smooth.
Tree Mallow Malva arborea
Native to the Mediterranean Region and northwards along Atlantic coasts to Britain.
Rough Mallow Malva setigera
(Althaea hirsuta) Native throughout the Mediterranean Region and eastwards to the Caucasus and Iran. Epicalyx with seven to nine segments, shortly joined at the base.
Marsh Mallow Althaea officinalis
Native throughout most of Europe to Central Asia. Flowers pale pink. Leaves covered in a remarkably dense layer of soft hairs, like plush velvet.
Pale Hollyhock Alcea biennis
Native through East-Central and South-east Europe to Turkey.