Purple Loosestrifes and Willowherbs
Purple Loosestrife Family - Lythraceae
Purple Loosestrife Lythrum salicariaNative across the whole of Europe and eastwards through Central Asia to China; also in North-west Africa. Introduced elsewhere and considered an invasive alien in North America. Grows to 1.5m in height. Its square stems and opposite leaves may cause confusion with members of the dead-nettle family, but it can be told from them by the distinctive arrangement of the veins on the leaf (best viewed from the underside) and by the six-petalled flowers.
False Grass-poly Lythrum junceum
Native to the Mediterranean Region eastwards to Iran. Typically a little more upright and taller than Grass-poly, growing to around 70cm in height. The leaves are distinctly broader than those of Grass-poly and the flowers a little larger. Flowers usually have six petals.
Grass-poly Lythrum hyssopifolia
Native to much of Europe (except the north) and the Mediterranean Region, southwards into North-east Africa and eastwards to Central Asia. Grows to 25cm in height, typically rather low and sprawling. The leaves are distinctly narrower than those of False Grass-poly. Flowers usually have six petals but some may have four or five.
Willowherb Family - Onagraceae
Great Willowherb Epilobium hirsutumNative throughout much of Europe and Africa, eastwards to Central Asia and China. A tall species, to 1.5m in height and forming large, spreading colonies. Basal leaves in the spring are hairless but later stem leaves are silky hairy, giving them a hoary look. Upper stems densely hairy, rounded and not ridged. Stigma four-lobed, spreading; petals much broader than those of other species.
Hoary Willowherb Epilobium parviflorum
Native throughout Europe and North-west Africa, eastwards to Central Asia and China. Grows to 100cm but typically much less. Leaves silky hairy, giving them a hoary look; untoothed margins and no (or less than 3mm) leaf stalk. Stems densely hairy, rounded and not ridged. Stigma four-lobed, with the lobes clustered together and not spreading.
Square-stalked Willowherb Epilobium tetragonum
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Siberia and Central Asia. Leaves long-lanceolate, rounded at the base with toothed margins and no leaf stalk. Stems with a covering of stiff hairs, flattened against the stem; stems two-ridged near the base, becoming four-ridged at mid stem. Stigma club-shaped. Flattened hairs continue onto the seed capsules.