Lily Family
Lily Family - Liliaceae
Greek Star-of-Bethlehem Gagea graecaNative to southern Greece, western Turkey and Cyprus.
Long-stalked Star-of-Bethlehem Gagea peduncularis
Native from South-east Italy to the Levant and in Libya. Basal leaves 2, linear-filiform, exceeding inflorescence, lowest stem leaf clearly broader than the basal leaves. Pedicels hairy, rounded not angled. Tepals elliptic-lanceolate.
Blunt-flowered Star-of-Bethlehem Gagea amblyopetala
Native from Italy to Turkey. Basal leaves flat, 1-2.5mm across, lowest stem leaf clearly broader than the basal leaves. Pedicels glabrous, rounded not angled; buds normally nodding, tepals relatively broad with obtuse to subacute tips.
Balkan Tulip Tulipa orphanidea
(Tulipa bithynica) Native to Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey. Plants from western and Northwestern Turkey, and Lesbos have sometimes been split as Bithynian Tulip (T. bithynica). Bulb tunics lined inside with copious hairs. Filaments swollen and hairy at the base. Young flowers narrowed at base.
Wavy-leaved Tulip Tulipa undulatifolia
Native from the southern Balkans eastward to Central Asia. Bulb tunics glabrous or only slightly hairy inside. Filaments not swollen at the base, glabrous; tepal tips long-acuminate; young flowers rounded at base.
Pontic Fritillary Fritillaria pontica
Native in the Balkan Peninsula and Northwest Turkey. Shady, deciduous woodland. The form in Lesvos is sometimes split as Fritillaria theophrasti.