Savories, Thymes & Allies
Dead-nettle Family - Lamiaceae
Thyme-leaved Savory Satureja thymbraNative to the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Libya and southern Sardinia. Bracteoles conspicuous, acuminate, roughly equalling the calyx in length.
Micromeria juliana
Native to Mediterranean Region, Libya and southern Sardinia. Leaves lanceolate with down-turned margins. Inflorescence spike-like and condensed; flower clusters 8-20 flowered, flowers 5-6mm long. Calyx teeth long-pointed, 1/2 to 2/3 as long as calyx tube.
Greek Micromint Micromeria gracea
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region. Found in a range of habitats, particularly on stony ground and old walls. Inflorescence well-spaced; flower clusters 4-12 flowered, flowers 6-10mm long. Calyx teeth long-pointed, 1/2 to 2/3 as long as calyx tube.
Roman Ironwort Sideritis romana ssp. curvidens
Native from Sicily, through Greece to Turkey. Found in a range of habitats, particularly on stony ground.
Conehead Thyme Thymbra capitata
Native to the Mediterranean region and Middle East. Typically found along seasonally wet water courses, but also planted in sandy and stony coastal areas and around gardens.
Common Marjoram Origanum vulgare
Native throughout most of Eurasia. An upright, clump-forming species with a rich, herby smell. Pale pink flowers appear in flattened heads among reddish bracts.
Greek Oregano Origanum onites
Native from Sicily, through Greece to Turkey. Found in a range of habitats on stony ground and especially along roadsides, hedge lines and old walls. Readily told by the rich aroma of the whole plant.
Wild Basil Clinopodium vulgare
Native throughout Europe and most of the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to the Himalayas and much of Siberia. An aromatic, clump-forming perennial with whorls of pink flowers in the leaf axils.
Basil-thyme Clinopodium acinos
Native throughout Europe eastwards to Iran and Siberia. A tiny, annual species, growing to no more than 20cm in height and often much less. Strongly aromatic, with violet flowers in whorls of up to eight in the leaf axils.
Lesser Calamint Clinopodium nepeta
Native to Central Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Iran. Rather similar to Common Calamint, but has hairier, grey-green foliage. After flowering, white hairs can clearly be seen, protruding from the mouth of the empty calyx.
Eastern Bugle Ajuga orientalis
Native from Southern Italy and Sicily, through Greece to the Middle East and Iran. Also around the Black Sea to the Caucasus.
Ground-pine Ajuga chamaepitys
Native in the Mediterranean Region, eastwards through Europe to western Asia. Frequent on cultivated and disturbed ground.