Woody Labiates
Dead-nettle Family - Lamiaceae
Chaste-tree Vitex agnus-castusNative to the Mediterranean region and Middle East. Typically found along seasonally wet water courses, but also planted in and around gardens.
French Lavender Lavandula stoechas
Native to the Mediterranean region. A common component of frigana and subshrub plant communities.
Common Rosemary Salvia rosmarinus
(Rosmarinus officinalis) Native throughout the Mediterranean Region and also popular as a garden plant and culinary herb. A highly aromatic, evergreen shrub with linear leaves that have inrolled margins. Flowers are light blue or rarely pinkish, or almost white with bluish spots. The flowers have prominent, very long, arched stamens.
Shrubby Sage Salvia fruticosa
(Salvia triloba) Native to the central and eastern Mediterranean region. A common component of frigana and shrubby plant communities.
Shrubby Woundwort Prasium majus
Native to the Mediterranean region. Frequent in shrubby, low maquis and frigana habitats. A scrambling species with woody stems.