Horehounds, Dead-nettles, Mints & Allies
Dead-nettle Family - Lamiaceae
Spreading Horehound Marrubium peregrinumNative across Eastern Europe and the Black Sea area to the Caucasus and Turkey. A plant of open, dry slopes and grassland.
White Horehound Marrubium vulgare
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Central Asia and the Himalayas. A distinctive species with densely-furry, deeply crinkled leaves. The white flowers have a deeply notched upper petal and the calyx has 10, slightly hook-tipped, teeth.
Greek Horehound Pseudodictamnus acetabulosus
Native to Greece and Turkey. Common in low maquis and stony places.
Black Horehound Ballota nigra
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to western Asia and Iran. An upright, branching perennial species with softly downy, leaves and a pungent aroma that is once learned, never forgotten! Flowers are relatively small for a member of this group. The calyx lobes have finely-pointed tips.
Large Dead-nettle Lamium garganicum
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Central Asia.
Musk Dead-nettle Lamium moschatum
Native in the eastern mediterranean Region. Occasional in grassy places.
Red Dead-nettle Lamium purpureum
Native throughout Europe, North Africa and eastwards into northern Asia. Widely introduced in North America.
Henbit Dead-nettle Lamium amplexicaule
Native throughout Europe, North Africa and most of northern Asia.
Cut-leaved Selfheal Prunella laciniata
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Iran.
Common Selfheal Prunella vulgaris
Native throughout the temperate northern hemisphere. A low, creeping plant that forms spreading mats. The flowers open a few at a time from between large, often reddish, bracts. The seeding heads with large flower bracts are distinctive later in the year. Flowers deep bluish-purple, but sometimes white or pink.
Pennyroyal Mentha pulegium
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to the Caucasus and Iran. A low, creeping species with the flowers borne in whorls in the leaf axils on upright stems. Leaves small, ovate.
Horse Mint Mentha longifolia
(Long-leaved Mint) Native throughout much of the Old World.
Spear Mint Mentha spicata
Native throughout most of Europe and eastwards through the Middle East to the Himalayas and China. Also commonly grown as a culinary plant and frequently escaping from cultivation. A spreading perennial plant, smelling strongly of spearmint. Leaves hairless, lance-shaped, with sharply-toothed margins. Flowers pink or white, in elongate spikes.
Gypsywort Lycopus europaeus
Native throughout most of Eurasia and the Mediterranean Region. A tall, upright plant of watery places, often forming dense tangles of stems by the end of the season. Easily recognised by its deeply-toothed leaves and tight whorls of tiny, white flowers.