Sages, Germanders & Woundworts
Dead-nettle Family - Lamiaceae
Shrubby Sage Salvia fruticosa(Salvia triloba) Native to the central and eastern Mediterranean region. Typically a constituent of shrubby plant communities in taller frigana and maquis on the eastern side of the island.
Silver Sage Salvia argentea
Native to the Mediterranean region.
Wild Clary Salvia verbenaca
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region, Middle East and western Atlantic Europe. Frequent in grassy places.
Annual Clary Salvia viridis
Native to the Mediterranean region, eastward to West Asia. Typically on open, stony ground.
Water Germander Teucrium scordium
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region to Central Asia. A plant of wetlands, often surviving fully submerged during the winter. The flowers are pale pink, but plants may go long periods without flowering if conditions are not suitable.
Wall Germander Teucrium chamaedrys
Native throughout the Mediterranean region, much of Europe and the Middle East. A low-growing species, spreading by creeping rhizomes and flowering on young, herbaceous stems.
Spreading Germander Teucrium divaricatum
Native to the eastern Mediterranean region. Greatly resembles Wall Germander but is a taller, woody species, with the flowers appearing on woody stems. No creeping rhizomes produced.
Yellow Germander Teucrium flavum
Native to the Mediterranean region.
Eastern Felty Germander Teucrium capitatum
Native throughout the Mediterranean region, eastwards to Central Asia. Frequent in stony frigana.
Mountain Germander Teucrium montanum
Native to Central Europe and the Mediterranean region. Usually at higher altitude and on limestone soils.
Cretan Woundwort Stachys cretica subsp. lesbiaca
The species is native from southern France, eastwards through the Mediterranean region to the Caucasus and Iran. A highly variable species with the subspecies lesbiaca being endemic to the eastern Aegean Islands and nearby Anatolia.
Small-spined Woundwort Stachys spinulosa
Native to the Adriatic and Aegean regions.
Field Woundwort Stachys arvensis
Native throughout most of Europe and the Mediterranean Region. A small, annual species that rather resembles the smaller dead-nettle species, but has pale pink flowers and is roughly hairy.
Shrubby Woundwort Prasium majus
Native to the Mediterranean region. Frequent in shrubby, low maquis and frigana habitats. A scrambling species with woody stems.
Lemon Balm Melissa officinalis
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region and eastwards to Central Asia. Forms spreading patches of dense, deeply-veined and crinkled leaves that have a strong, lemony scent.