St John's-worts
St John's-wort Family - Hypericaceae
Crowberry-leaved St John's-wort Hypericum empetrifoliumNative from southern Albania through Greece to Turkey and in coastal Libya.
Perfoliate St John's-wort Hypericum perfoliatum
Native to Macaronesia and the Mediterranean Region.
Perforate St John's-wort Hypericum perforatum
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Siberia and China. Sepals, backs and edges of petals and leaf edges all with stalkless black glands. Leaves also with many translucent spots. Stems rounded with two small ridges.
Square-stalked St John's-wort Hypericum tetrapterum
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region to Iran. Sepals, petal and leaf edges sometimes with a few stalkless black glands or sometimes without. Leaves with a few translucent spots. Stems four-sided with winged corners.
Crisped St John's-wort Hypericum triquetrifolium
Native to the Mediterranean Region and eastwards to Iran.