The Figwort Family
Figwort Family - Scrophulariaceae
Sinuate Mullein Verbascum sinuatumNative throughout the Mediterranean Region and east to the Middle East and Black Sea areas. Axis of flower spike hairy. Anthers with purple hairs.
Ascherson's Mullein Verbascum aschersonii
Native to Turkey and the Eastern Aegean Islands. Axis of flower spike with only scattered hairs. Anthers all kidney-shaped and with white hairs.
Woolly-flowered Mullein Verbascum lasianthum
Native to Turkey and a few of the Eastern Aegean Islands. A densely hairy species.
Nettle-leaved Figwort Scrophularia peregrina
Native throughout the Mediterranean region. An annual species with dark, red-brown flowers and small flower bracts.
Italian Figwort Scrophularia scopolii
Native throughout the Mediterranean region. A perennial species with flowers a little lighter than those of Nettle-leaved Figwort and with papery margins to the calyx lobes.
Various-leaved Figwort Scrophularia heterophylla
Native to the southern Balkans, most frequent in southern Greece and the Aegean area. Typically woody at the base. Leaves rather thick with subobtuse teeth.
French Figwort Scrophularia canina subsp. bicolor
Native to the southern Balkans, most frequent in southern Greece and the Aegean area. Plants 30-80cm high, woody at base. Stamens slightly exerted.
Long-stamened Figwort Scrophularia floribunda
Native to the Eastern Aegean Islands and western Turkey. Plants 20-45cm high, scarcely woody at base. Stamens long-exerted.