Pink or Blue Dandelion-like Flowers
Dandelion Family - Asteraceae
See also dandelion-like plants with yellow flowers.
Slender Salsify Geropogon hybridus
Native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean Region. A common annual in grassy places.
Purple Salsify Tragopogon porrifolius
Native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean Region. A widespread perennial in grassy places.
Small Purple Salsify Geropogon coelesyriacus
Native from Greece and Bulgaria eastwards through Turkey and the Middle East to Central Asia.
Pink Hawk's-beard Crepis rubra
Native in southern and South-eastern Europe, especially southern Italy and Greece.
Common Chicory Cichorium intybus
Native throughout Europe and the Mediterranean Region eastwards to Central Asia. Plants to 100cm tall with a rosette of basal leaves that resemble those of some of the hawk's-beards. The flowerheads usually appear a few at a time on upper side branches of the main stem. The branches gradually elongate as later flowers open. Flowerheads are typically bright, pale blue, but may rarely be white or pink.
Dwarf Chicory Cichorium pumilum
Native through the Mediterranean Region and eastwards to the Arabian Peninsula and western China. A strange, twiggy species of dry, stony places.