Yellow Daisies
Daisy Family - Asteraceae
See also Daisy-like plants with white flowers.
Downy Leopard's-bane Doronicum caucasicumNative to eastern Europe and the Caucasus. Typically a plant of shadier places in the mountains. Has been much confused, taxonomically, in books with Eastern Leopard's-bane Doronicum columnae, with both species having been labelled as D. orientale at times. This species has tufts of hairs on the rhizome, crispate-pubescent hairs on both surfaces of the basal leaves and usually two stem leaves.
Yellow Chamomile Cota tinctoria
Native throughout most of Europe, the Middle East and northern Asia. Most of the chamomiles have flowers with white rays and a yellow centre, but this one differs in its all-yellow flowerheads. Thus, it could be confused with the marigolds, but is easily identified by its densely-hairy stems and leaves. The leaves have stiffly linear side lobes which are strongly toothed at the margins.
False Corn Marigold Coleostephus myconis
Native throughout most of the Mediterranean Region. Flowers usually yellow, but may occasionally be creamy or whitish.
Crown Daisy Glebionis coronaria
Native throughout the Mediterranean Basin and Middle East. Very common as a weedy plant of roadsides and rough ground, often forming extensive colonies.
Corn Marigold Glebionis segetum
Native to much of Europe and the Mediterranean Region. Frequent as a weed of cultivation in arable fields.
Field Marigold Calendula arvensis
Native throughout most of the Western Palearctic. Widespread as an annual of cultivated and disturbed ground.
Common Fleabane Pulicaria dysenterica
Native throughout most of Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastward to the Himalayas. A bushy, much-branched herbaceous perennial, forming spreading colonies of densely white-downy stems with deeply corrugated leaves.
Small Fleabane Pulicaria vulgaris
Native throughout most of Europe and the Mediterranean Region, eastward to northern and Central Asia. A small, densely hairy annual to just 45cm in height. Flowerheads have very small petals or rays which barely poke out from the globular, very hairy, flowerheads.
Perennial Sunflower Helianthus x laetiflorus
Occurs as a natural hybrid in North America but plants in Europe originate from garden escapes or introductions. A tall perennial plant, to two metres in height. Very similar to Jerusalem Artichoke but grown as a an ornamental for its flowers and differing mostly in its phyllaries, which are 5-12mm in length and mostly pressed against the flowerhead.
Spiny Pallenis Pallenis spinosa
Native from Macaronesia, throughout the Mediterranean Region and eastwards to Iran. Differs from all other similar 'yellow daisies' in having sharp spines on the phyllaries surrounding the flowerhead.
Mullein-leaved Fleabane Pentanema verbascifolium
(Inula verbascifolia) Native through the eastern Mediterranean, from Italy to Lebanon. Typically found on rocky slopes, cliff faces and walls.