Cudweeds, Rayless Fleabanes and Wormwoods
Daisy Family - Asteraceae
Common Cudweed Filago germanicaNative throughout Europe, eastwards through the Middle East to Central Asia and India. Small plants from 5-40cm in height, sometimes growing in tight swards with many plants packed close together. Stem leaves linear and relatively narrow compared with closely-related species; leaf-tip tapered to a point. Flowerheads like furry, spiky balls at the tops of woolly, upright stems, each cluster of florets being surrounded by a few, spiky-looking outer bracts that are straw-coloured.
Broad-leaved Cudweed Filago pyramidata
Native from Macaronesia and southern Europe eastwards to Tibet and the Arabian Peninsul. Differs from Common Cudweed by its clearly broader leaves and by the array of leafy bracts that surround the flowerheads. Often very short, with plants barely reaching a few centimetres in height with a single stem topped with a few flowers.
Pygmy Cudweed Filago pygmaea
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region. Widespread on open and disturbed ground, often forming small colonies in dry, stony places.
Narrow-leaved Cudweed Logfia gallica
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region. Widespread on open and disturbed ground.
Small Cudweed Logfia minima
Native throughout Europe and parts of the Mediterranean Region. Small plants from 5-30cm in height, often growing in discreet little colonies of plants; the entire plant is densely white-hairy. Stem leaves linear with shortly tapered tips. Flowerheads in small clusters, typically just four or five in a head and held above the stem leaves. Stems very slender, forked at the first flowerheads to produce a second, upper layer of heads.
Scentless Curry-plant Helichrysum stoechas ssp. barrelieri
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region, with the subspecies barrelieri occurring in the central and eastern Mediterranean and the nominate subspecies to the west. Widespread on open ground and in frigana.
Eastern Phagnalon Phagnalon graecum
Native in the Balearics and in the central and eastern Mediterranean Region. Common on rock faces and old stone walls.
Pyramidal Fleabane Erigeron sumatrensis
(Guernsey Fleabane) Native to Central and South America. A weed of cultivation and disturbed ground in urban areas.
Canadian Fleabane Erigeron canadensis
Native to much of the Americas, but now almost cosmopolitan as a weed of cultivation. Plants overall pale, yellowish-green in colour. Basal leaves relatively narrow, entire or with a few uneven lobes along the margins; petioles with well-spaced, long white hairs. Flower spike typically columnar with relatively short, spreading side branches and a rounded top. Stems with scattered white hairs. Flowerheads 3-5mm wide at maturity; greenish phyllaries narrow, relatively smooth with a few white, bristly hairs. Ligules (petals) usually clearly longer than the phyllaries.
Argentine Fleabane Erigeron bonariensis
(Hairy Fleabane) Native to Central and South America. A weed of cultivated places and roadsides and rapidly increasing in the Mediterranean Region and many other areas.
Southern Saltmarsh Aster Symphyotrichum squamatum
Native to South America but widely introduced throughout the Mediterranean Region and in South Africa and North America. Typically a weed of urban areas. Often considered a subspecies or variety of Annual Saltmarsh Aster (Symphyotrichum subulatum).
Common Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris
Native throughout most of Europe and Asia and widely introduced elsewhere. A very variable species in the shape of its leaves, which tend to have broader lobes on basal, early-season leaves and narrow, fingered lobes on upper leaves. The leaves are green above and contrastingly whitish below with a strong but not unpleasant aroma. An aggressive perennial that can spread to form large colonies of dense stems, to 150cm in height.
Shrubby Wormwood Artemisia arborescens
Native to the Mediterranean Region and Arabian Peninsula.
Cottonweed Achillea maritima
Native in coastal sands along the South-west coasts of Europe and the Mediterranean and Black Sea coasts.