Pine Family - Pinaceae
Aleppo Pine Pinus halepensisNative to much of the Mediterranean Region, but replaced eastwards by Calabrian Pine. In Lesvos, only occurs where planted, generally around habitation. The cones are carried on relatively long stalks, which are recurved.
Calabrian Pine Pinus brutia
Native to the Eastern Mediterranean Region and often the dominant species in hillside pinewoods, replaced westwards by Aleppo Pine. In Lesvos, the dominant tree in much of the eastern half of the island. The cones are carried on short, straight stalks.
Stone Pine Pinus pinea
Native to the Mediterranean Region but only common in the western part of its range, where it can form extensive forests. Rarer in the east and on Lesvos, only occurring where planted.
Black Pine Pinus nigra
Native to the mountains of southern and Central Europe to North-west Africa, the Caucasus and Cyprus. Probably only occurs as an introduction on Lesvos. A tall-growing species, typically with a single, stout, upright trunk with the lower branches soon disappearing. Leaves short-medium, 8-12cm, paired, stiff and curved and typically more or less parallel, dark green. Cones mid-sized, 3-9cm. Winter buds with an elongated tip.
Widespread throughout the Mediterranean Region but commonly planted and considered probably only native in Turkey and the Middle East. Occurs in a familiar, narrow, columnar form and in a more shaggy, spreading form. Often planted as a shade tree, especially around chapels and monasteries.
Prickly Juniper Juniperus oxycedrus
Widespread throughout the Mediterranean Region but rarer in the eastern area and typically in dry hills above 350m asl.
Phoenician Juniper Juniperus phoenicea
Native throughout much of the Mediterranean Region, being common and widespread in the West but rare in the East and typically confined to coastal dune habitats. Usually a shrub to 2m in height. Scale-like leaves with pale, scarious margins. Ripe fruit dull reddish-brown.
Stinking Juniper Juniperus foetidissima
Native from the southern Balkans eastwards through Turkey to the Caucasus and Iran. A tree, typically growing at altitude and often providing an uppermost treeline. Ultimate twigs relatively coarse, quadrangular. Scale-like leaves without scarious margins. Ripe fruit blackish with 1-3 seeds.