Clubmosses & Horsetails
Lesser Clubmoss Family - Selaginellaceae
Mediterranean Clubmoss Selaginella denticulataNative throughout the Mediterranean Region. Uncommon on shady rocks.
Horsetail Family - Equisetaceae
Field Horsetail Equisetum arvenseWidespread throughout most of the Northern Hemisphere. In a wide range of often damp habitats and cultivated ground.
Branched Horsetail Equisetum ramosissimum
Native throughout temperate and tropical regions of Eurasia and Africa. In damp, shady places.
Great Horsetail Equisetum telmateia
Native throughout Europe to the Mediterranean Basin and Middle East. In wet, shady places.
Joint-pine Family - Ephedraceae
Leafless Joint-pine Ephedra foeminea(Ephedra fragilis ssp. campylopoda) Native from Italy, south and east to the Arabian Peninsula and East Africa. A strong-growing, scrambling and often pendulous species.