Rock-rose Family - Cistaceae
Cretan Rock-rose Cistus creticusNative throughout the central and eastern Mediterranean Region and in Morocco. A common component of frigana and low maquis habitats. Petals typically strongly crumpled, leaves crinkle-edged.
Sage-leaved Rock-rose Cistus salviifolius
Throughout the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to the Caucasus and Iran. A common component of Mediterranean scrub habitats.
Egyptian Rock-rose Helianthemum aegyptiacum
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to Iran. An annual species with thin, scarious (papery) sepals.
Willow-leaved Rock-rose Helianthemum salicifolium
Native from the Canary Islands and throughout the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to the Caucasus and Iran. An eglandular-pubescent annual. Flower bracts much smaller than leaves. Fruiting pedicels spreading, usually slightly curved upwards.
Large-bracted Rock-rose Helianthemum ledifolium
Native from the Canary Islands and throughout the Mediterranean Region, eastwards to the Caucasus and Iran. Seemingly rare in the Aegean Islands and only once recorded from Lesvos. A glandular-pubescent annual, often tinged purple. Flower bracts only slightly smaller than leaves. Fruiting pedicels suberect, shorter than or equalling calyx.
Arabian Fumana Fumana arabica
Native from Morocco and Italy eastwards to the Caucasus and Iran. Flowers relatively large, to 2cm across, leaves alternate, more or less equally spaced along the branches, not becoming more crowded near the flowers.
Thyme-leaved Fumana Fumana thymifolia
Native throughout the Mediterranean Region. Flowers about 1.3cm across, leaves opposite, unequally spaced along the branches, becoming smaller and more crowded near the flowers. Clusters of small leaves and stipules in the leaf axils.
Spotted Rock-rose Tuberaria guttata
Native throughout wetsern Europe and the Mediterranean Region. A relatively small, annual species, with hairy stems and leaves. The amount of dark spotting on the petals is highly variable, even within a single population.